Literature consulted
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Alpina Research
- Referance: Alpina Research, Seed List, Volume 4, no. 1, 1984, Welcome 1984 - The Director; 3245 S.Juneau, Seattle, WA. 98118, United States
- Referance: Alpina Research, Bulletin, Volume 3, no. 4, Report on Campanula Flower Size, page 3, Majella Larechelle, 3245 S.Juneau, Seattle, WA. 98118, United States
- Referance: Alpina Research, Bulletin, Volume 3, no. 3, Campanula breeding - Majella Larechelle, Seattle, Washington, page 2-3, Campanula Inventory-May 1983, page 10-11 and A promising Campanula hybrid, page 12-13, 3245 S.Juneau, Seattle, WA. 98118, United States
Alpina Research
F.Badre, Th.Cadet et M.Malplanche
- Referance: Etude Systematique et palynologique du genre Heterochaenia (Campanulaceae) endemique des Mascareignes, p: 267-278, Volume: Ser. 2, 12(2)- 1972.
F.Badre,Th.Cadet et M.Malplanche
- Referance: Hortus Third: a Concise Dictionary of Plants Cultivated in The United States and Canada, Staff of the L.H. Bailey Hortorium, Cornell University Macmillan, p.210 a 216.
Gaston Bonnier
- Referance: Flore complète illustrée en couleurs de France Suisse et Belgique, Tome VII - page 39 a 51.
Vakblad voor de Bloemisterij
- Referance: Campanula uit zaad en stek, Vakblad voor de Bloemisterij-40(1984), blz. 55 (Volgens Gartner Tidende nr.14, 1984, blz.436-437)
Vakblad voor de Bloemisterij
Campanula persicifolia: Verbondsnieuws voor de Belgische sierteelt, nr.5, 1983, blz.213 en 215.
R.Blomme - P.Damme
BlueBell Cottage Gardens & Nursery
- Referance: Owned and managed by former BBC Gardener of the Year, Sue Beesley, Bluebell Cottage Gardens, nursery, wildflower meadows and bluebell woods.
Tyge W.Bocher
- Referance: A Cytologically Deviating West-Alpine Campanula of the C. rotundifolia Group, Volume: 116, Fasc.2., Page: 113-121, 1963.
- Referance: Le nombre des carpelles dans la fleur des Campanules,Page: 20-24,Séance du 6 fevrier 1930.
De Brotero, Felix Avellar
- Referance: Phytographia Lusitaniae selectior, seu, Novarum, rariorum, et aliarum minus cognitarum stirpium, quae in Lusitania sponte veniunt, ejusdemque flora spectant, descriptiones iconibus illustratae (1816)Pages 412.
De Brotero, Felix Avellar
- Referance: Flora Lusitanica, seu plantarum, quae in Lusitania vel sponte crescunt, vel frequentius coluntur, ex florum praesertim sexubus systematice distributarum, synopsis. Pars I. Publ.: 7.XI.1804 - Page 8-17.
De Brotero, Felix Avellar
Alphonse de Candolle
- Referance: Monographie des Campanulees, par Alphonse de Candolle, docteur en droit, membre de la societe helvetique des sciences naturelles, et de la societe de physique et d'histoire naturelle de geneve - Avec Vingt Planches - a Paris, Chez Mme Veuve Desray, Libraire, Rue Hautefeuille, No.4 - 1830, page 1 - 384.
Alphonse de Candolle
Chugai Nursery
- Referance: Seed Catalog The Chugai Nursery Co. Inc. 1984/1985, Yamamoto Naka 1-1, Takarazuka 665 Japan, page 3. By note from Desiree, Sahin, K. Sahin, Zaden, Alphen aan den Rijn.
Chugai Nursery
Grethe Clausen
- Referance: Sortsforsog med Campanula 1970-74 (Trials with cultivars of Campanula 1970-74), Statens Forsegsvirksomhed i Plantekultur, Virum (V.Aa.Hallig), 1288. beretning, page 443-461. Kobenhavn, Trykt Hos Nielsen & Lydiche (M. Simmelkiaer)-1976.
Grethe Clausen
Donovan Stewart Correll
- Referance: Fam.172. Campanulaceae Juss 190, Bluebell Family, Manual of the Vascular Plants of Texas, Page: 1514-1522, 1970
Donovan Stewart Correll
MM Paul Cousturier
- Referance: Herborisations en Crete (1913-1914); (Premiere partie), Bulletin de la societe botanique de france, Volume:63, 1916, Page :1-15
MM Paul Cousturier et Michel Gandoger
Antonio Xavier Pereira Coutinho
- Referance: A flora de Portugal (plantas vasculares) disposta em chaves dichotomicas. Published 1913 by Aillaud, Alves in Paris. Pages: 766.
J. Damboldt
- Referance: Materials for a flora of Turkey XXXII: Campanulaceae. Reprint from: Notes from the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh, Volume 35 No. I (1976)- Page 39-52.
- Referance: Campanula myrtifolia, Tab. 637, Campanulaceae, Botanical Magazine, Volume: 179,Tab. 637, 1972.
Radovan Domac
- Referance: Kriticki prilozi flori Jugoslavije - Radovan Domac - Acta Botanica Croatica XVIII/XIX - 1959/1960, page 7-11.
Radovan Domac
A.Engler und K.Prantl und S.Schonland
- Referance: Die naturlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten insbesondere den Nutzpflanzen, unter Mitwirkung zahlreicher hervorragender Fachgelehrten begrundet von A. Engler und K. Prantl fortgesetzt von A. Engler, crd. Professor der Botanik und Direktor des botan.Gartens in Berlin. Campanulaceae von S.Schonland Mit 86 Einzelbildern in 20 Figuren (Gedruckt im Mai 1889) - IV. Teil, Abteilung 4 und 5, Mit 1841 Einzelbildern in 229 Figuren, 1 Vollbild, 1 Heliogravure, sowie Abteilungs-Registern - Leipzig, Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann, 1897.
A.Engler und K.Prantl und S.Schonland
Federazione Italiana dei Consorzi Agrari
- Referance: Enciclopedia Agraria Italiana - Pubblicata sotto gli auspici della Federazione Italiana dei Consorzi Agrari, Ramo editoriale degli Agricoltori; Campana -, Campanula, page 1159-1160.
Federazione Italiana dei Consorzi Agrari
Abilio Fernandes
- Referance: Sobre a cariologia de Campanula lusitanica L. ex Loefl. e C. transtagana R.Fernandes por Abilio Frenandes, page 129-137.
Abilio Fernandes
Rosette Fernandes
- Referance: Notas sobre algumas especies do genero Campanula L., 1959, Page. 121-128.
- Referance: Notas sobre algumas especies do genero Campanula L., 1962, Page. 121-128.
Rosette Fernandes
Adriano Fiori
- Referance: Nuova Flora Analitica dÍtalia, Volume Secondo - Edagricole, 127 Campanulaceae, page 550-566.
Adriano Fiori
- Referance:
E. Haaland
- Referance: The effect of light and CO2 on the carbohydrates in stock plants and cuttings of Campanula isophylla Moretti, Scientia Horticulturae, 5(1976) 353-361.
E. Haaland
J. Hagiwara
- Referance: The local varieties of Campanula lasiocarpa and Campanula pilosa var. dasyantha. The growing as alpine and wild plants. Two pages with 4 photo's. Income by letter of K. Sahin Zaden, Alphen aan den Rijn, 12 oktober 1983, C. Duijzer.
J. Hagiwara
Ten Have Plant
- Referance: is het premium plantenlabel van Ten Have Plant uit Honselersdijk. De kwekerij levert uit eigen veredeling een breed assortiment Campanula’s als kamerplant of als plant voor in de tuin of op het terras.
Ten Have Plant
J.C.Hoffmannsegg and H.F.Link
- Referance: Flore Portugaise - Tomo II - 1820, Tab.18, 19 and 20; Page: 41-44.
C.Hoffmannsegg and H.F.Link
Josef Holzbecher, Jaroslav Koblizek and Eva Limberská (ilustrace)
- Referance: vydává ZO klub skalničkárov CZS v Brné. Zpravodaj ZO CZS klub skalnickaru Brno. Vydává ZO klub skalnickárú na skalkách Campanula -Zvonek, Brno 1985, Jen pro cleny CZS. Náklad 1000 vytisku. Povoleno KNV odbur kultury pod cj 370010085, Provoleno OV CZS pod cj 2885-Nej/VK/85.
Josef Holzbecher, Jaroslav Koblizek
- Referance: Campanula ephesia – Campanulaceae – Tab. 712; Botanical Magazine, Vol:181(1); Page: 33-35, 1976
- Referance: Personal handwritten letter to Mr. H.H. Berteler, for Director of the Department of Forest. Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources Forest Department Nicosia.
15th March, 1983, Our Ref.: 29/13/II M.Ch. Iacovides
Jisaburo Ohwi
- Referance: Flora of Japan, 1965 - 2. Campanula L. Hotaru-Bukuro Zoku, page 851.
Jisaburo Ohwi
- Referance: 4. Campanula - L., Sp.Pl.:163 (1753) & Gen. Pl., ed. 5:77(1754); A. DC., Monogr.Camp.: 213(1830) - Page 34-37.
Robert W. Kiger
Robert W. Kiger, T.D. Jacobsen and Roberta M. Lilly- Referance: International Register of Specialists and Current Research in Plant Systematics, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh 1981.
Robert W. Kiger
Fran Kusan
Prof. Dr. Fran Kusan- Referance: Nasi samonikli zvoncici (Our native Campanulas), Dr. Fran Kusan, sveucilisni profesor Zagreb, Hortobotanika i Florikultura; Hortikultura 1, 1967, p. 5-9
Fran Kusan
- Referance: Universitas Leodiensis, Index Seminum, Quae hortus botanicus pro mutua commutatione offert, Anno 1982, Page 57-58.
Majella Larochelle
- Referance: Alpina Research.
Majella Larochelle
Jardin Botanique de l'Universite de Liege
- Referance: 140. Campanulaceae - Famille 140. Campanulaceae (Campanulacees), page 522-527, Service des Echanges de Graines, B22 Sart Tilman, B-4000 - Liege (Belgique).
Jardin Botanique de l'Universite de Liege
Zeljka Lovasen-Eberhardt
- Referance: Citotaksonomska Istrazivanja Nekih Endemincnih Campanula - Zeljka Lovasen-Eberhardt, Posebni otisak iz zbornika referata sa i simpozijuma sistematicara Jugoslavije - Sarajevo 1971, p. 85-90
Zeljka Lovasen-Eberhardt * Referance: O geografskoj distribuciji morfoloskih karakteristika vrsta serije Garganicae roda Campanula L. u flori Jugoslavije, Zeljka Lovasen-Eberhardt i I. Trinajstic, Institut za botaniku Sveucilista i Sumarski fakultet, Zagreb - Biosistematika, Vol. 4, No. 2, 273-280, Beograd 1978 Zeljka Lovasen-Eberhardt
Onorato Masera
* Referance: Floricoltura - con 297 illustrazioni in nero nel testo e 40 tavole fuori testo a colori, Quarta edizione interamente rifatta. Unione Tipografico - Editrice Torinese - Page. 155. Onorato Masera
Missouri Botanical Garden
- Referance: 4344 Shaw Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63110, USA -
Missouri Botanical Garden
- Referance: Planten -
Roar Moe
- Referance: Environmental effects of stock plants on rooting and further growth of the cuttings of Campanula isophylla Moretti - 1976 - Report no. 183.
- Referance: Effect of light, temperature and CO2 on the growth of Capanula isophylla stock plants and on the subsequent growth and development of their cuttings - 1977 - Report no. 188.
- Referance: Handwritten Letter - Huisplant Wetenswaardigheden, 11-14 febr. 1980.
- Referance: Campanula - Bethlehemsklokke, Kurs i plantedyrking i regulert klima, As, 11. , 14. februar 1980.
- Referance: Die bedeuting von CO2 fur Gewachshauskulturen, Zierpflanzenbau, N.21 - 12.10.83.
- Referance: Campanula isophylla Moretti; En. Italian bell, Star-of-Bethlehem, Falling starts; Fr.; Gm. Glockenblume?
Roar Moe
Montréal Jardin botanique
* Referance: Letter from Normand Cornellier, Botanist, June 1st 1983, Ville de Montréal Service des Travaux publics Module Parcs - Jardin botanique, Montréal. At the request of Mr. Kelvin Chong from the McGill University. “Information about the Campanula that we have in our collections. A photocopy of the ones we have in our collections. For each species you have the place where come from, the seeds or the plants”. Montréal Jardin botaniqueNancy Morin
- Referance: Systematics of the annual California Campanulas (Campanulaceae), Nancy Morin, Department of Botany, University of California, Berkeley 94720 - Madrono, Vol. 27, No.4, pp. 149-163, 30 October 1980.
Nancy R. Morin
Friedrich Morton
- Referance: Das Campanuleto-Centaureetum Dalmaticae auf der Insel Rab (Arbe) - Friedrich Morton (Hallstatt, Austria) - Acta Botanica Croatica - Vol. extraord. 1964. Page. 59-63.
Friedrich Morton
G.Nicolini, A.Moreschi
* Referance: Fiori di Liguria - Cassa di Risparmio di Genova e Imperia, Edizione e stampa: SIAG - GENOVA, Le Campanule (Specie del genere Campanula), page 116-121. G.Nicolini, A.Moreschi J.Nurmi- Referance: Campanula L. - Kellokukan suku, Finland, page 658-678.
Prof. D (Demetrios) Phitos * Referance: Eine Neue Art der Gattung Campanula aus der Agais von D. Phitos - Sonderdruck aus den Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung Munchen, Band V - Seite 121-124 - December 1963. * Referance: 5.D.Phitos: Beitrage zur Kenntnis der sudagaischen Campanula-Arten- Sonderabdruck aus den Berichten der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft Jg. 1964, Bd.LXXVII, Heft 2, S. 49-54, Ausgegeben am 10.April 1964. * Referance: Trilokulare Campanula-Arten der Agais - D.Phitos - Sonderabdruck aus Band 111, Heft 2/3, 1964, S. 208-230 - der Osterreichischen Botanischen Zeitschrift, Springer-Verlag in Wien. * Referance: Die quinquelokularen Campanula-Arten - D.Phitos - Sonderabdruck aus Band 112, Heft 4, 1965, S. 449-498 - der Osterreichischen Botanischen Zeitschrift, Springer-Verlag in Wien. Prof. D (Demetrios) Phitos
Ippolito Pizzetti, Henry Cocker
* Referance: Il libro dei fiori - Garzanti - Campanula, page 181 - 190 (Volume I, 1968?) Ippolito Pizzetti, Henry CockerPrichard. Maurice.
* Referance: The genus Campanula. - By Maurice Prichard, F.R.H.S. - Journ. Roy. Hort. Soc. XXVII, Read April 23, 1902, Page. 98-123. Prichard. M.R
R.C. * Referance: Campanula thyrsoidea - S.A.J.A. Annéé 1957 - Tome II nr. 23 p.160. - R.C. R.C. R.C. * Referance: Les Plantes de rocailles dans la nature et dans les jardins - Campanula spicata - S.A.J.A. Annéé 1959 - Tome II nr. 29 p.309. - R.C. R.C.
Dr. Lela Regula
* Referance: Letter from Dr. Lela Regula to Mr. H.H.Berteler, Zagreb 21.12.1983, 1 page, Botanicki vrt, Marulicev trg 9A, 41000 Zagreb, Jugoslavija Lela RegulaS
Saitama Horticultural Station
* Referance: Experiment to control the flowering season of Campanula medium. Purpose: To see difference in the start of heating effects on flower formation. 1980-81, Saitama Horticultural Station. Saitama Horticultural StationSaitama Horticultural Station * Referance: Experiment to establish a cultural system for Campanula medium 1981 (may be continued to 83). Purpose: To see how the planting density affects the growth and quality. 1981, Saitama Horticultural Station. Saitama Horticultural Station
* Referance: S.A.J.A. Année 1959 - Tome II nr.32 - p.364 et 365 - Campanula. S.A.J.A.S.A.J.A * Referance: S.A.J.A. Année 1975 - Tome VI nr.96 - p.397,398 et 399 - Campanula. S.A.J.A.
S.A.J.A * Referance: S.A.J.A. Année 1982 - Tome VIII nr.122 - p.257 et 258 - Campanula barbata. S.A.J.A.
Miss M.Scannell * Referance: Letter 31 March 1983, Head of Herbarium, National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin 9, Ireland. M.Scannell
A.K. Skvortsov e.a.
* Referance: Introduction of Plants of the Native USSR Flora, N.V. Tsietsien, Akademie v. Wetenschappen USSR, Head Botanical garden - translation by Jos Compen. A.K. Skvortsov e.a.Dr. Petar Solic * Referance: Campanula pyramidalis L. - piramidalni zvoncic, prudelj, Mala hortikulturna enciklopedija u rijeci i slici - upoznajmo vrtne biljke, Hortikultura 1, 1977, p. 38-40. Petar Solic
Vinko Strgar
* Referance: Konstantnost barve roznatih cvetov zvoncice Campanula fenestrellata Feer. ssp. fenestrellata F. Rosea - Biol. vestn., (Ljubljana) 25 (1977) 2, s. 115-119, Biotehnicna fakulteta in Institut za biologijo, Sprejeto 11.11.1977. Vinko StrgarK.Sahin, Zaden
* Referance: Letter from K.Sahin, Seeds by C. Duijzer to Mr. H. Berteler. As promised the translations of the Japanese photocopy's of J. Hagiwara. Alphen aan den Rijn, October 12, 1983. K.SahinT
Tokyo Agricultural Experiment Station
* Referance: Letter from Director of Cultivation Department, special study Floriculture, H. Tsurushima, Feb. 20, 1983, attach file pg.1-2, to Mr. H.H. Berteler. Attach file: Some copies and information of Campanula in Japan. Tokyo Agricultural Experiment Station
UBC Botanical Garden
* Referance: List of Campanula accessionned at the UBC Botanical Garden - Britisch Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, JUN 29, 1983, pg.1-21. A letter to Mr. Berteler from A. Bruce Macdonald, Assistant Director, July 6, 1983. U.B.C. Botanical Gardens Accession System (BGAS II) - Generic Master Listing UBC Botanical Garden
Valleybrook Gardens - Perennials
* Referance: Presented by Heritage Perennials®, Online since 2001 as a perennial gardening resource, Heritage Perennials® are grown by our nursery, Valleybrook Gardens, John and Kelly Schroeder started Valleybrook in Abbotsford, British Columbia in 1980 and have built the business on the principles of quality, selection, market leadership and innovation, combined with a passion for perennials. Courtesy of Valleybrook Gardens - PerennialsPhilippe L. de Vilmorin
- Referance: Les Fleurs de Pleine Terre. Paris 1909, 5th Edition. Campanula pag. 214-231.
Philippe L. de Vilmorin
Dott. Luigi Volpi
- Referance: Letter from il Direttore Dott. Luigi Volpi, Oggetto: Genere Campanula to Herman Berteler, Instituto Sperimentale per la Floricoltura-Sanremo. 19.9.1983.
Luigi Volpi
D.A.Webb and Mary J.P.Scannell
- Referance: Letter from Miss. M.Scannell and Flora of Connemara and the Burren, D.A.Webb and Mary J.P.Scannell; Royal Dublin Society and Cambridge University Press, 1984, Page: 127.
Dr. Dieter Zschummel
- Referance: Letter from Dr. Dieter Zschummel to Herman Berteler, DDR-4201 Wallendorf, 14.11.83.
Dr. Dieter Zschummel
- Referance: Letter from Dr. Dieter Zschummel to Herman Berteler, DDR-4201 Wallendorf, 15.12.85.