Campanula Raddeana
Supplement to the Annual Seedlist, 1983, Volume 3,1, Others, nr. 435: Campanula raddeana / AR - glossy leaves, deep purple, Caucasus 1)raddeana: Orig 015642-0346-77 Locn 1A AM, geo: 20000, rec: SEED: 1ab: 1, dis: CAUCASUS, ayr: 77,2)
Campanula raddeana Trautv. = Campanula brotheri Sommier & Levier3)
Glabrous or glabrate perennial, to 1 ft. Flower stems much-branched, with nodding flowers toward the apex.
Experimenten in 1966. Hoogte 20 cm.4)Downy plant with fairly thin paniculately branched stems. The flowers are of medium size located in the axils of upper leaves. 5)
Une de mes favorites, Campanula raddeana, posséde des clochettes pourpre foncé d'une curieuse texture brillante, avec des tiges rougeátres. C'est une plante résistante, robuste, qui se propage doucement.6)Leaves
Leaves ovate to lanceolate, coarsely serrate, the lowest long-petioled, cordate, to 1 ½ in. long.
Glossy leaves. The leaves of sterile shoots and radical with long petioles, cordate-ovate or triangular, on the edge of tangy-toothed. 7)Flowers
Deep purple.
Flower measuring, between 25 - 40mm (1 - 1 1/2 inch.)8) Calyx with large, acute appendages, lobes strigose-ciliate, corolla dark purple, ¾ in. long, campanulate. The flowers are of medium size located in the axils of upper leaves. Corolla light purple, bell-shaped, bearded man in the throat. 9)Fruit
Seed available, in small quantity. Species actually grown or used for breeding 10)
- Campanula raddeana Trautv. 1583-83. De: Botanischer Garten, Tubingen, Deutschland. 7-4-83. Descr.: Sem.11)
Group planting, rock gardens, borders, potting hang-downing culture, vertical gardening. It feels better in soils rich in calcium.12)
C'est une plante résistante, robuste, qui se propage doucement et á qui il arrive de se défendre méme contre une herbe aussi rude et robuste que celle qui eut le malheur d'envahir ma rocaille. A propos de cette herbe, je dois qu'elle m'oblige à á démolir entiérement cette rocaille afin de m'en débarrasser, et cependant Campanula raddeana s'était victorieusement propagée á travers.13)Origin
It grows in the Caucasus, in the subalpine zone of the mountains. It feels better in soils rich in calcium.14)campanula/raddeana.txt · Laatst gewijzigd: 2017/10/29 15:29 door