Campanula pumila
Synonym: \Campanula cespitosa Scop. = Campanula caespitosa auct. = Campanula pumila Sims = Campanula rotundifolia var. cespitosa (Scop.) Pers. 1) Synonym: Campanula x Haylodgensis is a charming hybrid from Hay Lodge, with a good deal of the pumila blood in its veins. Campanula pusilla and Campanula caespitosa.2)
* Campanula pumila var. alba
* Campanula pumila var. pubescens
Is perhaps the commonest of all Alpine Harebells, but delicately beautiful, as it clothes the rocks and slopes in shaly soil and stony chippings in all the Alpine regions at altitudes of 3,000 to 5,000 feet. In England the white form is often met with, but during the whole of my visit to Switserland in August 1899 I never saw a single white plant of it. Height three to six inches.(Fig.42,43).3)
It succeeds in any light garden soil. Height three to six inches.(Fig.42,43).4)
campanula/pumila.txt · Laatst gewijzigd: 2023/03/31 18:45 door Herman H. Berteler