



Campanula pilosa



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See Campanula dasyantha and Campanula Chamissonis. 1).

Campanula pilosa var. dasyantha (Bieb.)Herd. - synonym; Campanula chamissonis Fed.; Campanula dasyantha Bieb.2)

Podarilo se nám vyresit problém Campanula pilosa a C. dasyantha. Zvonek, ktery se u nás pod témito názvy péstuje, má správné oznacení C. chamissonis Fed. Je domácí na Dálném Vychodé a v Japonsku a má cepele listu eliptecké, zatimco C. dasyantha Bieb. roste v horách Sibire, na Dálném Vychodé a v Kanadé a má listy cárkovité podlouhlé.3)


Jap.: Chishima-gikkyo or Chishima-Iwagikkyo = Campanula pilosa var. dasyantha


25cm high.

Niederliegende Krauter.


Flower measuring, between 25 - 40mm (1 - 1 1/2 inch.)4)

Bluten einzeln, endstandig.

Pale violet, july 5). - Kun Correvon (1924) har Campanula pilosa, 25cm, blegviolet, juli.

I Blooms katalog er der en Campanula innesi, very pale blue 6).


Species actually grown or used for breeding 7)
Kapsel nahe am Grunde aufspringend (Hangende Kapseln springen meist nahe am Grunde, aufrechte nahe den Kelchb. auf. Man kann daher im Allgemeinen die Art des Aufspringens aus der Stellung der verbluhten Bl. erschliessen, besonders wenn diese gestielt sind.) Sect. I Medium Tourn. (als Gatt.). B. Triloculares. Kapsel 3facherig (seltener bei ein- und derselben Art hier und da auch 5facherig) 8)
Campanula dasyantha Bieb. 1380-83. Arr.: Campanula pilosa. De: Alpengarten Zenz Grambach, Austria. 30-3-83. Descr.: sem.9)


The two Japanes alpine Campanula (Campanula lasiocarpa and Campanula pilosa var. dasyantha), are lovely, easy in culture and have been popular for very many years. Recently due to repetation of seedling their cultivation has been more easy.10)


  • Campanula pilosa var. compacta

  • Campanula pilosa var. dasyacantha

Flowering poorly in Tokyo. It needs cool summer and difference in temperatures between day and night. It is easier to grow a floriferous than the type, the leaves are pale green and distinquishable from the type. Campanula oyobe and Campanula shakotan are local forms. They are more floriferans than the type. The former is larger than the latter. 11)

  • Campanula pilosa var. dasyantha (Bieb.)Herd. - synonym; Campanula chamissonis Fed.; Campanula dasyantha Bieb.12)

We have some native species of Campanula plants (You can see on Copy-1.{13)} and with-in these species Campanula lasiocarpa and Campanula pilosa var. dasyantha are very important in Japan as wild and alpine plants under amature group. Japanese alpine plants grower said: “Both species are most beautiful in Campanula genus and very good for the small pot plants and rock garden”. Chishima-Iwagikkyo (Campanula pilosa var. dasyantha)is a native in high mountain area and northern part of Japan and cultivation is very difficult. Chishima-Iwagikkyo is native in chishima islands and Oyobe-gikkyo and shakotan-gikkyo are variant of this species. They has very variant in the growth habit but usurly very dwarf growth. Flowering is difficult in sorth part and low-land in Japan. 14)

  • Campanula pilosa var. f. dasyantha

Information needed.- Species actually grown or used for breeding 15)

  • Campanula pilosa var. dasyantha alba

  • Campanula pilosa var. dasyantha oyobegikkyo (Chishima-gikkyo Oyobegikkyo = Jap.). Easy flowering in May., more large growth deep purple flowers16).

Campanula oyobegikkyo boven en shirobana onder. Photo: T.A.E.S., Herman Berteler.

  • Campanula pilosa var. dasyantha shakotan (Chishima-gikkyo Shakotan = Jap.). Easy flowering in May., purple flowers, small plant more than Oyobegikkyo17).
Campanula pilosa var. dasyantha Shakotan. Photo: T.A.E.S., Herman Berteler.

  • Campanula pilosa var. dasyantha shirobana (Chishima-gikkyo Shirobana = Jap.). White flower and much flowering 18).
Campanula pilosa var. dasyantha Shirobana. Photo: T.A.E.S., Herman Berteler.

  • Campanula pilosa var. elegantissima

  • Campanula pilosa var. major

In Robinson's catalogue, 4-6 inch, shiny foliage, bearing large, pale, open bells in june-july 19).

  • Campanula pilosa var. f. oyobeni

Information needed.- Species actually grown or used for breeding 20)

  • Campanula pilosa var. pontica

  • Campanula pilosa var. shakotan

  • Campanula pilosa var. shakotan-kkyo


  • Campanula pilosavar. f. superba

Campanula pilosa var. superba - Foto and drawing Herman Berteler

Information needed.- Species actually grown or used for breeding 22)


* Campanula pilosa cv 'John Innes' 23).

In Robinson's catalogue, an 6 inch. high var. with large light pale, violet centred open bells 24).

AlpenPix - Campanula 'John Innes' - Photographer: Graham Nicholls - Note: A hybrid raised many years ago at the John Innes Institute. A large plant is growing in the AGS rock garden at Pershore. This photo is taken of my own plant in the alpine house.

pilosa cv. 'Shakotan'. :Orig 004896-0117-72 Locn 1A AS, rec: PLNT: 1ab: 1, dis: JAPAN, ayr: 72 25)
pilosa cv. 'Shakotan'. :Orig 015431-0245-78 Locn 1A AS, rec: PLNT: 1ab: 1, ayr: 78 26)


Sibirien, Kamtschatka, Alaska, Aleuten.

Je domácí na Dálném Vychodé a v Japonsku a má cepele listu eliptecké.27)

This species grows Japanese mountains through Aleutian Islands and Alaska, but Japanese ones are more dwarf and showy. Als in the districy Shiretoko, Hokkaido, Mt. Hakusan.28)

2) , 12)
3) , 27)
5) , 6) , 19) , 23) , 24)
7) , 15) , 20) , 22)
10) , 11) , 13) , 21) , 28)
14) , 16) , 17) , 18)
25) , 26)
campanula/pilosa.txt · Laatst gewijzigd: 2023/04/23 10:09 door Herman H. Berteler