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campanula:persicifolia [2023/04/23 10:32] Herman H. Bertelercampanula:persicifolia [2023/08/24 18:22] (huidige) – [Flowers] Herman H. Berteler
Regel 222: Regel 222:
 (On a décrit de nombreuses anomalies de cette espéce: fasciation des tiges, c'est-á-dire tiges soudées en long; deux ou plusieurs fleurs soudées et réunies en une seule; fleurs á 6 sépales, 6 pétales, 6 étamines; fleur á 4 sépales, 4 pétales, 4 étamines; fleurs á sépales relativement trés développés; étamines et carpelles transfomés en pétales, l'ovaire n'étant plus adhérent au calice; racines aériennes développées sur les feuilles; etc.).(( :ref:gastonbonnier01 )) (On a décrit de nombreuses anomalies de cette espéce: fasciation des tiges, c'est-á-dire tiges soudées en long; deux ou plusieurs fleurs soudées et réunies en une seule; fleurs á 6 sépales, 6 pétales, 6 étamines; fleur á 4 sépales, 4 pétales, 4 étamines; fleurs á sépales relativement trés développés; étamines et carpelles transfomés en pétales, l'ovaire n'étant plus adhérent au calice; racines aériennes développées sur les feuilles; etc.).(( :ref:gastonbonnier01 ))
 +Translation: (Many anomalies of this species have been described: fasciation of the stems, that is, stems fused lengthwise; two or more flowers fused and united into one; flowers with 6 sepals, 6 petals, 6 stamens; flower with 4 sepals, 4 petals, 4 stamens; flowers with relatively highly developed sepals; stamens and carpels transformed into petals, the ovary no longer adhering to the calyx; aerial roots developed on the leaves; etc.)
 +[{{:campanula:tn_campanula_persicifolia_var._alba_met_7_kroonbladen._groesbeek_2022..jpg?350|Zaailing van C. persicifolia var. alba met 7 kroonbladen. 2023, Groesbeek. Foto: Herman Berteler.}}]
 +[{{:campanula:tn_campanula_persicifolia_var._alba_met_7_kroonbladen._groesbeek_2022._1_.jpg?350|Zaailing van C. persicifolia var. alba met 7 kroonbladen. 2023, Groesbeek. Foto: Herman Berteler.}}]
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Regel 778: Regel 783:
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-===== Beneficial =====+===== Use =====
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 The //Peach-leaved Campanula//. A very wellknown plant, and one of the handsomest species, providing with its numerous varieties some of the most useful and decorative of all the perennials. The varieties are blue and white; single cup; saucer blue and saucer white; double blue and double white; and //gigantea alba plena// (//Moerheimi//).The last named is a good Dutch novelty, but I believe equally good forms have been raised by Mr. Ladhams at Southampton. The snow-white variety named //Backhousei// was an accidental find of Mr. Potter's in a cottage garden in Yorkshire. Height two to three feet. This species admits of division in spring or after flowering, and appears to do best in rich heavy soils, light soils often seeming to weaken its character. Seed is also produced plentifully in the type.(( :ref:prichard-maurice01 )) The //Peach-leaved Campanula//. A very wellknown plant, and one of the handsomest species, providing with its numerous varieties some of the most useful and decorative of all the perennials. The varieties are blue and white; single cup; saucer blue and saucer white; double blue and double white; and //gigantea alba plena// (//Moerheimi//).The last named is a good Dutch novelty, but I believe equally good forms have been raised by Mr. Ladhams at Southampton. The snow-white variety named //Backhousei// was an accidental find of Mr. Potter's in a cottage garden in Yorkshire. Height two to three feet. This species admits of division in spring or after flowering, and appears to do best in rich heavy soils, light soils often seeming to weaken its character. Seed is also produced plentifully in the type.(( :ref:prichard-maurice01 ))
Regel 810: Regel 815:
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 +Vétsina popisovanych zvonkú jsou druhy skalní, osídlující auté, stérbiny a spáry skal, droliny nebo kamenité hole a to jak nad lesní hranicí vysoko v horich , tak i v montánnim nebo kolinním stupni. Nékolik druhu roste na lukách nebo v podrostu lesú/napr. nasé domácí //C. persicifolia// nebo balkánska //C. abietina///. Pri vysadbé volíme strmé svahy skalky s úzkymi stérbinami a stérkovity substrát. Zvlást vhodné jsou kamenné zídky, kde se velmi dobre darí druhúm z okruhu //C. garganica//.(( :ref:HolzbecherKoblizek01 ))
 +Mezi zvonky jsou druhy, které musíme hlídat, aby se jejich semens nevysela po skalce, pak se stávají nezádoucím plevelem. Jsou to napr. //C. persicifolia//, //C. rotundifolia// a v mensí míre i //C. carpatica//. Velmi obtízny plevel, zvlásté v teplejsích oblastech, je zvonek repkovity / //C. rapunculoides// /. Nékdy musime omezit i //C. cochlearifolia// nebo //C. poscharskyana//, které se prílis rozrústajif podzemními vybézky.(( :ref:HolzbecherKoblizek01 ))
campanula/persicifolia.txt · Laatst gewijzigd: 2023/08/24 18:22 door Herman H. Berteler