Syn. Campanula persicaefolia 1)
Campanula persicifolia
Infrageneric Taxa
Fam. des Campanulacées. Section 2: Calice sans appendice. Groupe 2: - Fleurs pédicellées. Capsules dressées á 3 loges2)
Section IV: Rapunculus Neilr.(1859) (Fourr., 1869) 3)Nomenclatuur
persicifolia LINN. :Orig 018609-0999-79 Locn 1B 40, geo: 51004, rec: PLNT: 1ab: 1, dis: IN NATIVE GARDEN, ayr: 79 4)
L. (1753) Synonym Campanula vesula All. (1785).Synonym: Campanula pesicaefolia L. 5)
Synonym: Campanula amabilis Leicht,
synonym: Campanula grandis Fisch. & C.A.Mey. 6),
synonym: Campanula latiloba A. DC., synonym Campanula nitida Ait.,
synonym: Campanula phyctidocalyx Boiss. & Noe., synonym Campanula planiflora Hort., not Lam. Or Engelm.,
synonym: Campanula subpyrenaica Timb.-Lag.7).
A very variable species including many cultivars.
Material offered under the names Campanula nitida, Campanula planiflora, Campanula amabilis and Campanula phyctidocalyx is dwarf, that offered as Campanula grandis and Campanula latiloba has large, sessile flowers and hispid calyx; and that as Campanula subpyrenaica has large flowers in loose racemes and white-pubescent calyces 8).
Campanula persicifolia L. - Kurjenkello (persicifolius. lat., persikanlehtinen)9).
Casté jsou i nejasnosti kolem zvonku oznacovaného C. nitida Ait. ci C. planiflora Lam., ktery je casto povazovany za druh zvonku ze Sverní Ameriky. Podarilo se nám prokázat, ze je to kultivar druhu C. persicifolia L., pro ktery navrhujeme kultivarové oznacení 'Dwarf'. Nékolikrát jsme vyseli semena tohoto zvonku, a to i z izolovanych rostlin a vzdy se ve vysevu objevily exempláre 'normálního' zvonku broskvolistého - C. persicifolia.10)
Eng.: Willow Bells, Peach-Bells, Peach-leaved-Bellflower, Paper-Bellflower
Fr.: Campanule á feuilles de Pécher (Pl. 383: 1.803, plante fleurie; 1.803. 2e., grappe en fruits d'une variété) 11) Báton-de-Jacob, Campanule des jardins, Cloche NL.: Prachtklokje Fl.: Perzikbladklokje D.: Pfirsichblattrige Glockenblume, Waldglockenblume Fi.: Kurjenkello, persikanlehtinen I.: Campanella-turchina, Campanella-bianca
Il nome Campanula, data la forma del fiore che richiama immediatamente alla mente la campana, e probabilmente molto antico; fu pero codificato soltanto nella seconda meta del XVI secolo a opera del Dodoens. Alcune delle specie nostrane, e forse non esiste al mondo paese piu generoso di Campanula del nostro (allo stato spontaneo, naturalmente, perche non si puo certo dire che siano molto presenti nei giardini), sono state coltivate come ortaggio: in particolare la Campanula rapunculus, la Campanula rapunculoides e in minor misura la Campanula persicaefolia. Ma chi oggi, se non forse qualche contadino in un casale sperduto di campagna mangia ancora il Raperonzolo? Le radici carnose di questa Campanula hanno un sapore dolciastro e gradevole, dovuto al fatto, come scrive il Negri, “che le riserve, come in genere nelle Campanulaceae e nelle Compositae sono costituite da inulina anziche da amidi”. Le parti aeree della pianta sono state anche usate dalla medicina popolare nella preparazione di colluttori contro le infiammazioni della bocca e della gola per il benefico effetto che esercitano sui tessuti le sostanze resinose che contengono.12)
Indigéne, - Vivace. - Plante en touffe, un peu tracante. Tiges simples, raides, hautes de 40 á 60 centimétres13).
15-50cm. 14)
E alta da 10cm. ad 1m., perenne, glabra, con foglie basali lineari-ovali come quelle del pesco, sovente picciolate.15) Perennial, stems erect, to 3 ft., mostly unbranched.Die erste Achse kann neben den unbegrenzte Laubblattrosette, auch seitlich ihr gleiche producieren; die unteren Verzweigungen der bluhenden Sprosse entwickeln sich ebenfalls haufig in unbegrenzte Achsen. In fallen wie Campanula Trachelium L., Campanula persicifolia L. und Campanula glomerata L., beschliessen die Bluten schon die erste Achse.
Meistens werden hier die Erneuerungssprosse aus den Achseln schuppenformiger Niederb. gebildet. Die Erneuerungssprosse tragen ihrerseits eine Anzahl Niederb., die meist unterirdisch bleiben, eine Anzahl Laubb. und schliessen mit einem Blutenstand ab. Die unterirdischen Teile der Erneuerubgssprosse bleiben meist 1 oder 2 Jahre, nachdem ihr oberirdischer Teil zur Bl. gelangt und dann abgestorben ist, erhalten und es bildet sich dadurch ein mehr oder weniger verzweigtes Rhizom, das in den einzelnen Fallen ein sehr verschiedenes Aussehen haben kann, selten jedoch stark in die Dicke wachst. Dagegen verdicken sich nicht selten 1 oder mehr Wurzeln der Erneuerungssprosse ziemlich betrachtlich und werden dadurch zuweilen knolenformig (Canarina etc.) 16)
A rosette-forming, upright, glabrous perennial that typically grows on stiff sturdy stems to 1 1/2 - 3' tall. Stems rise from basal rosettes of narrow, toothed, leathery, bright green leaves (4-8” long). Genus name is in reference to the bell-shaped flowers (campanulate corollas). Specific epithet is in reference to the leaves purportedly resembling those of the peach tree. A large number of cultivars are available in commerce.17)
Descriptio Campanula verruculosa. Observatio. Campanula persicifolia in Germania interdum occurrit calyce verruculis obsito ut in nostra specie; at haec tot aliis notis ab affinibus differt, ut confundi nequeant.18)
Kellokasvien suvussa kurjenkellolla on melko erillinen asema. Laji kuuluu pystykotaisiin, mutta sen vartalo on poikkeuksellisesti kalju ja luotit hyvin pitkat (n. 10mm), jopa vartaloa pitemmat.
Ulkonaoltaan kurjenkello on tyylikas: pystyn, 60-70cm korkean latvassa on terttuna useita lyhytperaisia, 3-4cm pituisia levean kellomaisia kukkia. Kurjenkelloa mainitaankin kaytetyn koristekasvina jo 1600-luvulla. Kuitenkin myos Campanula persicifolian nimirodun piirissa esiintyy vaihtelua sikiaimen karvaisuuden suhteen. Yleisimmin kurjenkello on kaljusikiaiminen, mutta usein loytaa myos yksiloita, joiden verhopohjuksessa on kankeita karvoja.19).
Experimenten in 1946.20)
Perenni. Fi. spesso racemosi. Pianta a fusti eretti, nascenti da un rz. gracile, ramoso e spesso strisciante, semplici, slanciati (5-50cm.). 21)
La plante mesure ordinaire ment de 40 cm. á 1 .20; mais elle est parfois beaucoup plus petite. C'est une plante vivace á tige florifére dressée, ordinairement élancée, plus ou moins finement anguleuse dans sa longueur; la tige souterraine est assez gréle et rameuse, perpétuant et multipliant la plante.22)
Bei mehreren Arten von Campanula und Hedraeanthus sind die Haare verkieselt. Die Verkieselung erstreckt sich bei Campanula persicifolia L. zuweilen auch auf die Blattflache (vgl. Heinricher, Berichte d. deutsch. bot. Gesellsch. Bd. III, p. 4, wo auch eine eigentumliche Reduction der Haarbildung bei mehreren Arten von Campanula beschrieben ist).23)
Bei einer Anzahl Arten von Campanula und bei einigen Arten nahe verwandter Gattungen (Michauxia, Phyteuma, Symphyandra, Specularia) kommen Abweichungen vom typischen Bau der Stengel (auch hier und da der Wurzeln) vor, die eine besondere Erwahnung verdienen. Es sei jedoch von vornherein bemerkt, dass dieselben nicht immer bei allen Individuen derselben Art die gleichen sind. In den einfachsten Fallen finden sich innerhalb des Holzringes Gruppen von kleinzelligem, teilingsfahigem Gewebe, dem Siebrohren fehlen (Campanula persicifolia L., Campanula carpathica Jacq., Campanula attica Boiss.)
Siebrohren finden sich bei Campanula latifolia L., Campanula Trachelium L. Dieselben besitzen also inneren Weichbast. Bei Campanula Grossekii Heuff. sind einige dieser Weichbastbundel auf der ausseren, also der dem primaren Holze zugekehrten Seite mit radial angeordneten Holzzellen versehen. Von hier aus finden sich nun alle moglichen Ubergange bis zur Ausbildung eines oder mehrerer Ringe von getrennten collateralen oder auch concentrischen Gefassbundeln (letztere mit centralem Phloem), und schliesslich kann es dazu kommen, dass diese Bundelmit einander verschmelzen und so einen geschlossenen, inneren Gefassbundelring bilden (z.B. Campanula pyramidalis L.). Die inneren Gefassbundel haben ubrigens meist Dickenwachstum, mogen sie getrennt oder vereinigt sein.
Nach Westmaier ist das Vorkommen innerer Strange nie zu beobachten bei jenen Arten der Gattung Campanula, welche bei geringer Hohe armblutig sind. Dieser Satz darf nicht umgekehrt werden, z.B. sind die stattlichen und reichblutigen Campanula rapunculoides L. und Campanula Medium L. ganz normal gebaut. Weiss hat ubrigens nachgewiesen, dass die markstandigen Bundel nicht stammeigen sind. Derselbe hat auch bei Campanula pyramidalis L. Rindenbundel (mit centralem Xylem und Dickeuwachstum) beobachtet. (Nahares bei Westermaier, Monatsber. der Kgl. Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1881, p.1064; Petersen in Engler's Jahrbuchern III, 1882, p. 394; Weiss, in Bot. Centralblatt XV, 1883, p. 325). G. Kraus hat bei 12 Gattungen - gemass der im Folgenden angenommenen Umgrenzung - das Vorkommen von Inulin nachgewiesen (Bot. Zeitung 1877, p. 329), nachdem Prantl es zuerst bei Campanula rapunculoides aufgefunden hatte.24)
Feuilles lancéolées-linéaires, scabres et finement dentées en scie.25).
Con foglie basali lineari-ovali come quelle del pesco, sovente picciolate.26)
Rosette leaves oblong-lanceolate, to 8 in. long, entire or serrulate, smooth, stem leaves linear.
Blatter lanzettlich, die unteren fast spatelformig.
Basal rosettes of narrow, toothed, leathery, bright green leaves (4-8” long). Leaves have a slight resemblance to those of the peach tree, hence the common name. Rosettes are semi-evergreen to evergreen in warm winter climates. Stem leaves are much shorter (to 4” long).27)
Fg. glabre, lucide, leggerm. crenate, le radicali strettam. oblunge-obovate, le altre lanceolate o lineari.28)
Les feuilles ont un limbre allongé ou étroit et sont faiblement dentées ou crénelées sur les bords; les moyennes et les supérieures son sans pétiole, les inférieures, á limbe plus large, sont atténuées á leur base en un pétiole plus ou moins long; le plus souvent, les feuilles sont sans poils, lisses et luisantes, mais elles sont quelquefois couvertes de petits poils.29)
Fleurs en grappe láche; calice á divisions linéaires; corolle dressée ou oblique, en coupe trés évasée, longue de 2 centimétres et demi; large de prés de 3, d'un bleu pale, á lobes aigus et réfléchis.30).
Dove fiorisce da maggio ad agosto. I fiori, grandi sino a 5cm., azzurro-violetti, sono brevemente pedicellati con corolle campanulato-arrontondate.31)
Flower measuring, between 40 - 50mm (1 1/2 - 2 in.)32)
Flowers axillary, solitary or in few-flowered, racemes, calyx without appendages, corolla campanulate, to 1 ½ in. long, white to deep blue.
Blutenstande traubig oder rispig.
Corolle longue de 25-35(-40)mm., divisee au max. jusqu'au 1/4. Dents du calice larges de plus de 1mm. a la base33)
Large, outward facing, broad bell-shaped flowers (to 1.5”) in shades of white to blue bloom in open, slender, terminal racemes atop erect, unbranched, nearly leafless stems in late spring to early summer.34)
Magg.-Ag. Corolla lunga 20-40mm. Calice glabro o rr. peloso, a lobi interi, lanceolati. Corolla campanulata, azzurro-violacea o rr. bianca, divisa sino ad 1/4 della lunghezza in lobi ovali-mucronati.35)
Le calice, sans prolongements renversés, a des divisions ovales allongées, aigués, presque á contour triangulaire et la longueur de ces divisions est á peu prés égale á la moitié de la longueur de la corolle. Les fleurs sont sur de trés petits ramuscules dressés portant de trés petites bractées, et ces pédoncules ont moins de deux fois la longueur de la fleur ou sont méme beaucoup plus courts. La corolle mesure environ de 3 á 4 cm de longueur, trés rarement moins ou plus; elle est á peu prés aussi large que longue et a 5 divisions largement ovales et terminées chacune par une trés petite pointe; ces divisions ont environ le quart de la longueur totale de la corolle.
(On a décrit de nombreuses anomalies de cette espéce: fasciation des tiges, c'est-á-dire tiges soudées en long; deux ou plusieurs fleurs soudées et réunies en une seule; fleurs á 6 sépales, 6 pétales, 6 étamines; fleur á 4 sépales, 4 pétales, 4 étamines; fleurs á sépales relativement trés développés; étamines et carpelles transfomés en pétales, l'ovaire n'étant plus adhérent au calice; racines aériennes développées sur les feuilles; etc.).36)
Translation: (Many anomalies of this species have been described: fasciation of the stems, that is, stems fused lengthwise; two or more flowers fused and united into one; flowers with 6 sepals, 6 petals, 6 stamens; flower with 4 sepals, 4 petals, 4 stamens; flowers with relatively highly developed sepals; stamens and carpels transformed into petals, the ovary no longer adhering to the calyx; aerial roots developed on the leaves; etc.)
Number of diploid chromosomes (2n=34).
Segundo os dados de Tischler (1950), Darlington & Wylie (1955), Love & Love (1948; 1961), Alava & al. (1958, 1959, 1960) e Bocher (1960), os numeros basicos no genero Campanula sao 8, 10, 12, 13, 14 e 17. Em face das observacoes de Larsen (1954) e das nossas em Campanula lusitanica, fica estabelicida, fora de duvida, a existencia de mais outro numero basico, que e 9. Atendendo a que Campanula colorata possui n = 12 e Campanula erinus n = 14, consideramos provavel que 6 e 7 sejam, respectivamente, os numeros basicos dessas especies(A existencia de n = 6 nos generos Fasione, Asyneuma e Phyteuma, bem como de n = 7 em Specularia, esta de acordo com este ponte de viasta.), e que elas correspondam a tetraploides. O numero 13, encontrado em Campanula cervicaria e Campanula peregrina (primulaefolia), teria sido derivado de 12 ou de 14, mais provavelmente de 12. Sendo assim, a serie de numeros basicos em Campanula sera 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 e 17.
A explicacao do aparecimento das series aditivas de numeros basicos deste tipo e um problema complexo, porqunto e muito dificil estabelecer se a evolucao se deu no sentido do aumento ou da diminuicao do numero de cromosomas ou simultaneamente nas duas direccoes. Em Campanula persicifolia, Darlington & La Cour (1950) mostraram que ambos os processos podem ter lugar.37)
Kromosomilukukin on Campanula-suvussa epatavallinen 2n = 16.38).
Capsules dressees39)
Seed available, in small quantity. Species actually grown or used for breeding 40)
Kapsel nahe der Spitze, seltener etwas oberhalb der Mitte sich offnend, 3facherig. Kelchbuchten ohne Anhangen. Sect. II Rapunculus Boiss.41)
Joidenkin lajien kota on nuokkuva ja aukeaa tyviosaan syntyvista rei'ista, toisten (kotimaisista Campanula patula, Campanula persicifolia ja Campanula uniflora) taas pysty ja karkiosastaan aukeava. Nain siemenet paasevat vain tuulisella ilmalla sinkoamaan ulos kodasta 42).
Les fruits múrs, á graines brunes, sont dressés et s'ouvrent vers le haut par 3 orifices.43)Germination
- Campanula persicifolia L. 1029-66. Fr.: Báton-de-Jacob. Ang.: Paper Bellflower. Orig. N.-O. de l'Europe, - Northwestern Europe. ID.: N.C. 19-7-76. Arr.: Asclepias tuberosa, De: Sheridan Nurs. Ltd., Montréal, Descr.: 3 plantes 12-4-66.
10. jard. exp., D-2, 15 - 25-6-74. 11. jard. exp., D-2, 15 - 29-5-75, 12. jard. exp., D-2, 15 - 3-6-76.44)
On a décrit 6 variétés de cette espéce; ce sont les suivantes.45)
* Campanula persicifolia L. var. alba
Pure white large rounded cups on upright stems, with a long flowering period. Mid summer. Sun or part shade. Height to 70cm. Hardy perennial.46)
USDA Zone: 2-9. Plant number: 1.110.300. This selection has been grown for centuries in cottage gardens, and is still an excellent choice for the border, or in mixed containers. Plants form a low mound of dark green leaves, bearing tall stems of large, open white bells during the summer months. Remove spent blooms to encourage more buds to form. Great for cutting. Easily divided in either spring or fall. An easy perennial for most sunny sites, this is a good selection for the beginning gardener, particularly. Sun Exposure; Full Sun or Partial Shade. Soil Type; Normal or Sandy or Clay. Soil pH; Neutral or Alkaline or Acid. Soil Moisture; Average or Moist. Care Level; Easy. Flower Colour; White. Blooming Time; Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer. Foliage Color; Deep Green. Accent: Good Texture/Form, Border, Containers, Cut Flower, Rabbit Resistant, Massed, Flower Head Size; Large. Height; 60-90 cm, 23-35 inches. Spread; 30-45 cm, 12-18 inches. Foot Traffic; None. Growth Rate; Medium.47)
* Campanula persicifolia var. alba grandiflora
* Campanula persicifolia var. angustifolia DC.
1.803., 5e.(á feuilles étroites) - Feuilles toutes étroites, les moyennes et les supérieures trés étroites. (Cá et lá).48)* Campanula persicifolia var. antje bruske
* Campanula persicifolia var. backhousei
The snow-white variety named Backhousei was an accidental find of Mr. Potter's in a cottage garden in Yorkshire. Height two to three feet. This species admits of division in spring or after flowering, and appears to do best in rich heavy soils, light soils often seeming to weaken its character. Seed is also produced plentifully in the type.49)
* Campanula persicifolia var. beechwood
* Campanula persicifolia var. blaukehlchen
* Campanula persicifolia var. blue form
USDA Zone: 2-9. Plant number: 1.110.350. This species has been grown for centuries in cottage gardens, and is still an excellent choice for the border, or in mixed containers. Plants form a low mound of dark green leaves, bearing tall stems of large, open bright-blue bells during the summer months. Remove spent blooms to encourage more buds to form. Great for cutting. Easily divided in either spring or fall. An easy perennial for most sunny sites, this is a good selection for the beginning gardener, particularly. Sun Exposure; Full Sun or Partial Shade. Soil Type; Normal or Sandy or Clay. Soil pH; Neutral or Alkaline or Acid. Soil Moisture; Average or Moist. Care Level; Easy. Flower Colour; Deep Blue. Blooming Time; Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer. Foliage Color; Deep Green. Accent: Good Texture/Form, Border, Containers, Cut Flower, Rabbit Resistant, Massed Flower Head Size; Large. Height; 60-90 cm, 23-35 inches. Spread; 30-45 cm, 12-18 inches. Foot Traffic; None. Growth Rate; Medium.50)
* Campanula persicifolia var. boule de neige
* Campanula persicifolia var. caerulea grandiflora
* Campanula persicifolia var. calycina
* Campanula persicifolia var. candelabra
* Campanula persicifolia var. coronata (Var. á fleurs couronnées).Cette derniére varieté est remarquable en ce que le calice n'existe plus, ou plutó t en ce qu'il a pris un trés grand développement et une coloration qui fait croire á deux corolles emboitées, l'intérieure ordinairement plus développée51).
* Campanula persicifolia var. crescent
* Campanula persicifolia var. crystallocalyx
* Campanula persicifolia var. dasycarpa (Kitaibel), Mert.& Koch, Alphonse de Candolle
Ero taman muunnoksen, Campanula persicifolia var. dasycarpa (Kit.) Mert. & Koch ja nimimuunnoksen valilla ei kuitenkaan ole jyrkka, karvojen tai sukasten lukumaara sikiainta kohden voi vaihdella parista kolmesta hyvinkin tiheaan karvapeitteeseen. Lisaksi yleisesti smassa kasvustossa on karvaisuudeltaan erilaisia yksiloita. Niiden suhteellisten osuuksien vaihtelu eri kasvustoissa viittaa siihen, etta tuntomerkin systemaattisen merkityksen selvittamiseksi tarvitaan viela lisatutkimuksia..52).
Alphonse de Candolle, 1.803. 3e (á fruit hérissé) Synonyme: Campanula dasycarpa Kitaibel - Calices et fruits couverts de poils raides; feuilles inférieures á limbe un peu en forme de spatule.(cá et lá).53)
* Campanula persicifolia var. dasycarpa humillima
* Campanula persicifolia var. dasycarpa linearifolia
* Campanula persicifolia var. delfts blauw
* Campanula persicifolia L. var. sessiliflora Velen, by Mey * Campanula grandis is a synonym.
* Campanula persicifolia var. die fee
* Campanula persicifolia var. eriocarpa
* Campanula persicifolia var. everest
* Campanula persicifolia var. flor. albis (Var. á fleurs simples blanches54)
* Campanula persicifolia var. flor. albis plenis (Var. á fleurs pleines blanches55).
* Campanula persicifolia var. f. caerulea - medium blue 56)
* Campanula persicifolia var. f. phytidocalyx57)* Campanula persicifolia var. flor. plenis (Var. á fleurs pleines58)
* Campanula persicifolia var. fair mile
* Campanula persicifolia var. fleur de neige
* Campanula persicifolia var. flore albo
* Campanula persicifolia var. flore albo pleno
* Campanula persicifolia var. flore caeruleo pleno
* Campanula persicifolia var. flore plena
* Campanula persicifolia var. flore plena coerulea
* Campanula persicifolia var. giaberrima
* Campanula persicifolia var. gigantea alba plena - synonym: 'Moerheimi'59)
* Campanula persicifolia var. grandiflora coerulea
* Campanula persicifolia var. grandiflora w. lawrenson
* Campanula persicifolia var. grandis
* Campanula persicifolia var. grandis alba
Information needed.- Species actually grown or used for breeding 60)* Campanula persicifolia var. grossglockner
* Campanula persicifolia var. hellblau
* Campanula persicifolia var. highcliff variety
* Campanula persicifolia var. hispida Rouy (hérissée) 1.803.,4e. Synonyme: Campanula hispida Lejeune - Plante toute couverte de poils courts. (Cá et lá).61)
* Campanula persicifolia var. humillima
* Campanula persicifolia var. lasiocalyx G.G.
Synonymes: Campanula subpyrenaica G.B.; (pl. 383: 1.803. 2e., sommité avec fruits): - Calices et fruits couverts de poils raides; feuilles moyennes et inférieures ovales-allongées. (Bassin sous-pyrénéen Aude et cá et lá).62)* Campanula persicifolia var. levicaulis
* Campanula persicifolia var. macrantha Alphonse de Candolle
1.803., 6e. (á grandes fleurs) - Fleurs d 'un lilas plus ou moins foncé; corolle de plus de 4 cm. de longueur.63)* Campanula persicifolia var. marginata
* Campanula persicifolia var. maxima
* Campanula persicifolia var. maxima calyce pilosa
* Campanula persicifolia var. misty morn
* Campanula persicifolia var. moerheimiensis
* Campanula persicifolia var. mrs. c. talbot whitehead
* Campanula persicifolia var. percy piper
* Campanula persicifolia ssp. persicifolia
Seed available, in small quantity. Species actually grown or used for breeding 64)* Campanula persicifolia var. plena
* Campanula persicifolia var. pride of exmouth
* Campanula persicifolia var. pumila Alphonse de Candolle
1.803., 7e. - (naine) - Tiges de 2 á 3 cm., ne portant qu'une seule fleur et des feuilles serrées les unes contre les autres; plante sans poils. (Cá et lá).65)* Campanula persicaefolia ssp. Pumila Schm., 1793. Pianta alta 4-10cm., 1-flora, ridotta in ogni parte. - Luoghi elevati. - Campanula magellensis Ten. (1811).66)
* Campanula persicifolia var. sabine bruske
* Campanula persicifolia var. seidenball
* Campanula persicifolia var. sessiliflora
Eraat kurjenkellon rodut kuten Balkanin niemimaalla esiintyva Campanula persicifolia subsp. sessiliflora (C.Koch) Velen. ja Pyreneilla tavattava Campanula persicifolia subsp. subpyrenaica (Timb.-Lagr.) Fedorov erotetaan Campanula persicifolian nimirodusta mm. sikiaimen (verhopohjuksen) karvaisuuden perusteella. Viimeksi mainitun sikiain on yleensa kalju, muilla siina on karvoja tai lapikuultavia sukasia.67)* Campanula persicifolia var. sessiliflora alba
* Campanula persicifolia var. silberschmelze
* Campanula persicifolia var. snowdrift
* Campanula persicifolia var. subpyrenaica G.B. e Timbal-Lagrave
Eraat kurjenkellon rodut kuten Balkanin niemimaalla esiintyva Campanula persicifolia subsp. sessiliflora (C.Koch) Velen. ja Pyreneilla tavattava Campanula persicifolia subsp. subpyrenaica (Timb.-Lagr.) Fedorov erotetaan Campanula persicifolian nimirodusta mm. sikiaimen (verhopohjuksen) karvaisuuden perusteella. Viimeksi mainitun sikiain on yleensa kalju, muilla siina on karvoja tai lapikuultavia sukasia.68).(des sous-Pyrénees) [Synonymes: Campanula subpyrenaica Timbal-Lagrave; Campanula persicaefolia variété lasiocalyx G.G.] (pl. 383: 1.803. 2e., sommité avec fruits): - Calices et fruits couverts de poils raides; feuilles moyennes et inférieures ovales-allongées. (Bassin sous-pyrénéen Aude et cá et lá).69)
* Campanula persicifolia var. the king
* Campanula persicifolia var. type 821
* Campanula persicaefolia ssp. Typica - Pianta alta 1-5dm., con sino a 10 fi. - Area della spec.70)
* Campanula persicifolia var. typica
* Campanula persicifolia var. wirral belle
Cultivé comme plante ornementale; on en connaít des variétes á fleurs simples et surtout á fleurs doubles; parmi ces nombreuses formes horticoles, on cultive aussi des variétés á sépales ayant la couleur et la consistance de pétales.71)
* Campanula persicifolia cv. ‘Alba’
'Alba' is a white cultivar of the native Splendour of Peach Leaf Bellflower (Campanula persicifolia). The flower color is white and the flowering period is from about June to July. The leaves are green and about 25 cm. high. The mature height of this perennial is about 90 cm. This plant is very suitable for gardens with several (almost) mature trees and shrubs. Requires a spot in partial shade and humus-rich soil with few roots in her presence. Direct sunlight on the leaves can cause problems.72)
1627-83. De: Jardin botanique, Lycée Cantonal, Porrentruy, Suisse. 12-4-83. Descr.: Sem.73)
* Campanula persicifolia cv. 'Alba Coronata'
á fleurs semi-doubles et d'un beau blane.74)* Campanula persicifolia cv. 'Alba-Flore-Pleno'
á fleurs plusieurs fois doublées offrant un peu l'aspect des fleurs de Camélias 75)* Campanula persicifolia cv. 'Caembea-Flore-Pleno'
á fleurs doubles, d'un beau bleu un peu violacé 76)* Campanula persicifolia cv. 'Caerulea Coronata'
á fleurs doubles, serrées, d'un beau bleu,77)* Campanula persicifolia cv. ‘Alba Superba’
* Campanula persicifolia cv. 'Blue Bloomers' - Large, deep blue rounded cups on slender stems in mid-summer. Flowers almost look inflated like small balloons. Easy to grow. Best in a sheltered spot or amongst other plants to keep upright. To 70cm.78)
* Campanula persicifolia cv. ‘Blue-eyed Blonde’ - Golden Peachleaf Bellflower
USDA Zone: 4-9. Plant number: 1.111.120. Colourful for both the foliage and leaves, this is a terriic perennial to use near the front of a sunny border or in containers. It forms a low mound of long, narrow bright yellow foliage, bearing taller stems in summer that hold deep violet-blue bells. Remove spent blossoms individually for continued blooming. In hot, humid summer regions this may benefit from afternoon shade to prevent scorching. An improvement over the older ‘Kelly’s Gold’ with better vigour and deeper coloured flowers. Most likely will prove hardy in Zone 3 or colder. A 2008 introduction from TerraNova Nurseries in Oregon. USPPP: unlicensed propagation prohibited. Registered with COPF. Sun Exposure; Full Sun. Soil Type; Normal or Sandy or Clay. Soil pH; Neutral or Alkaline or Acid. Soil Moisture; Average or Moist. Care Level; Easy. Flower Colour; Deep Blue. Blooming Time; Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer. Foliage Color; Gold Yellow. Accent: Good Texture/Form, Border, Containers, Cut Flower, Rabbit Resistant, Evergreen, Massed Flower Head Size; Medium. Height; 30-45 cm, 12-18 inches. Spread; 25-30 cm, 10-12 inches. Foot Traffic; None. Growth Rate; Medium. 79)
* Campanula persicifolia cv. ‘Caerulea’
* Campanula persicifolia cv. 'Chettle Charm'
This peach-leaved bellflower cultivar is a rosette-forming, upright perennial which grows on stiff stems to 1.5-3' tall. Features large, outward-facing, bell-to-cup-shaped flowers (to 1.5“ long) which are creamy white edged with lavender blue. Flowers appear in slender terminal and axillary racemes atop erect, unbranched, leafy stems in late spring, with a respectable rebloom to the end of summer. Stems rise from basal rosettes of narrow, toothed, glossy, bright green leaves (4-8” long). Stem leaves are much shorter (to 4“ long). 'Chettle Charm' is synonymous with and sometimes sold as 'George Chiswell'.
Easily grown in average, medium, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Prefers part shade in warmer climates. Intolerant of extreme summer heat of the deep South. Needs regular moisture. Divide clumps in fall every 3-4 years. Remove spent flowers to encourage continued bloom. Under optimum growing conditions, plants will spread both by self-seeding and by underground runners (rhizomes). This cultivar provides color and contrast to the perennial border or rock garden. Also effective in a lightly shaded woodland settings where if can be left alone to naturalize. Mass or plant in large groups for best effect.80)
USDA Zone: 2-9. Plant number: 1.110.570. A selection of the Peach-leaved Bellflower, recently introduced to North American gardeners. This is an exciting twist on an old cottage-garden perennial, featuring medium-tall spikes of large bell-shaped flowers. Petals are near-white, shot with violet-blue along the edges. Especially outstanding when used in pastel border schemes, combined with pink, mauve or blue-flowered neighbours. Removing spent flowers will greatly increase the blooming season. From Blooms of Bressingham®. USPP#9815: unlicensed propagation prohibited. Registered with COPF. Sun Exposure; Full Sun or Partial Shade. Soil Type; Normal or Sandy or Clay. Soil pH; Neutral or Alkaline or Acid. Soil Moisture; Average or Moist. Care Level; Easy. Flower Colour; Purple, White. Blooming Time; Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer. Foliage Color; Deep Green. Accent: Good Texture/Form, Border, Containers, Cut Flower, Rabbit Resistant, Massed Flower Head Size; Large. Height; 75-90 cm, 29-35 inches, Spread; 30-45 cm, 12-18 inches. Foot Traffic; None. Growth Rate; Medium.81)
* Campanula persicifolia cv. 'Cornish Mist'
Long thin stems carry the bells from the rosette. A spontaneous seedling found in a garden in Cornwall. More flowers than plants, so: For lovers of brave flowers.82)
* Campanula persicifolia cv. 'Dwarf'
Casté jsou i nejasnosti kolem zvonku oznacovaného C. nitida Ait. ci C. planiflora Lam., ktery je casto povazovany za druh zvonku ze Sverní Ameriky. Podarilo se nám prokázat, ze je to kultivar druhu C. persicifolia L., pro ktery navrhujeme kultivarové oznacení 'Dwarf'. Nékolikrát jsme vyseli semena tohoto zvonku, a to i z izolovanych rostlin a vzdy se ve vysevu objevily exempláre 'normálního' zvonku broskvolistého - C. persicifolia.83)
* Campanula persicifolia cv.'George Chiswell'is synonymous with Campanula persicifolia cv.'Chettle Charm'84)
* Campanula persicifolia cv. ‘Grandiflora’ flowering blue, 25 May- 15 June and much more flowers then Campanula persicifolia cv. Alba85).
* Campanula persicifolia cv. ‘Grandiflora Alba’
Description: Height to 80cm, Hardy. Not evergreen. In summer, large nodding flowers. They sit in straight trusses and are oriented sideways. The plant expands by root suckers The leaves are stiff and the lower leaves are oblong to lanceolate tapering into the petiole Rosette Molding - Constitutes root suckers. Flower color: white. Flowering June / July. Good cut flower with stems of 80 to 150 cm long. Plant Regulations: Sun / partial shade.86)
2219-76. Orig. Hort. Fr. Báton-de-Jacob. Ang. Wilhovy Bellflower, Peach-Bells. De: Inst. de Med. si Farmacie, Tirgu-Mures, Roumanie. 1-5-76. Descr.: Sem.87)
* Campanula persicifolia L. cv. 'Grandis' 2462-77. Orig. Hort. Fr. Báton-de-Jacob. Ang. Wilhovy Bellflower, Peach-Bells. De: Hort. Bot. Univ., Tartu, URSS. 31-5-77. Descr.: Sem.88)
* Campanula persicifolia cv. ‘Humosa’ flowers double
* Campanula persicifolia cv. 'Kelly's Gold'
USDA Zone: 3-9. Plant number: 1.110.330. This is a colourful selection of an old cottage-garden favourite, discovered in a Washington State garden. Plants form a low clump of bright chartreuse-gold foliage, bearing upright flowering stems in early summer. The individual flowers are wide-open white bells, the petal edges stained in soft porcelain blue. Remove spent blooms to encourage more buds to form. Great for cutting. Easily divided in either spring or fall. Foliage may be cut back hard after flowering is over, to encourage fresh new leaves that will remain attractive until frost. Sun Exposure; Full Sun or Partial Shade. Soil Type; Normal or Sandy or Clay. Soil pH; Neutral or Alkaline or Acid. Soil Moisture; Average or Moist. Care Level; Easy. Flower Colour; Light Blue, White. Blooming Time; Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer. Foliage Color; Gold. Accent: Good Texture/Form, Border, Containers, Cut Flower, Rabbit Resistant, Massed, Flower Head Size; Large. Height; 60-75 cm, 23-29 inches. Spread; 30-45 cm, 12-18 inches. Foot Traffic; None. Growth Rate; Medium.89)
* Campanula persicifolia cv. 'La Bello' as well as ‘La Belle’ - Double Peachleaf Bellflower
A double-flowered cultivar with white flowers with a blue sheen on it.90)
USDA Zone: 2-9. Plant number: 1.110.740. This unique French selection has fluffy double violet-blue flowers held on strong stems that are excellent for cutting. Removing individual faded flowers will keep plants blooming for weeks on end. Great for cutting. Easy to please in any sunny border setting. An improvement on older double forms, with larger blooms and stronger stems. Sun Exposure; Full Sun or Partial shade. Soil Type; Normal or Sandy or Clay. Soil pH; Neutral or Alkaline or Acid. Soil Moisture; Average or Moist. Care Level; Easy. Flower Colour; Deep Blue. Blooming Time; Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer. Foliage Color; Deep Green. Accent: Good Texture/Form, Border, Containers, Cut Flower, Rabbit Resistant, Massed Specimen, Flower Head Size; Medium. Height; 50-60 cm, 20-23 inches. Spread; 30-45 cm, 12-18 inches. Foot Traffic; None. Growth Rate; Medium.91)
* Campanula persicifolia L. cv. 'Maxima'
1943-76. Orig. Hort. Fr. Báton-de-Jacob. Ang. Wilhovy Bellflower, Peach-Bells. De: Zoo and Bot.Gard., Rotterdam, Holland. 7-4-76. Descr.: Sem. 1. couche fr. 8. sect.15, 20 - 31-8-76, 2. couche 68, 5. - 15-7-77, 3. couche 68, 5, - 18-7-78, 4. couche 68, 5, - 3-8-79, 5. couche 68, 5, - 16-7-80, 6. couche 68, 5, - 29-6-81, 7. jard. viv., A-1, 3 - 12-5-82, couche 68, 5, - 30-7-82, 8. parterre des viv., A-1, 10 - 13-5-83.92)* Campanula persicifolia cv. ‘Moerheimii’ - synonym: gigantea alba plena93)
flowers double, white
USDA Zone: 2-9. Plant number: 1.110.310. This selection has been grown for centuries in cottage gardens, and is still an excellent choice for the border, or in mixed containers. Plants form a low mound of dark green leaves, bearing tall stems of large, frilly double white bells during the summer months. Remove spent blooms to encourage more buds to form. Great for cutting. Easily divided in either spring or fall. An easy perennial for most sunny sites, this is a good selection for the beginning gardener, particularly. Sun Exposure; Full Sun or Partial Shade. Soil Type; Normal or Sandy or Clay. Soil pH; Neutral or Alkaline or Acid. Soil Moisture; Average or Moist. Care Level; Easy. Flower Colour; White. Blooming Time; Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer. Foliage Color; Deep Green. Accent: Good Texture/Form, Border, Containers, Cut Flower, Rabbit Resistant, Massed, Specimen, Flower Head Size; Large. Height; 60-90 cm, 23-35 inches. Spread; 30-45 cm, 12-18 inches. Foot Traffic; None. Growth Rate; Medium.94)
Moerheimi is a good Dutch novelty, but I believe equally good forms have been raised by Mr. Ladhams at Southampton.95)
* Campanula persicifolia cv. ‘Pfitzeri’
* Campanula persicifolia cv. ‘Powder Puff’ - Double Peachleaf Bellfower
USDA Zone: 3-9. Plant number: 1.110.820. The Peacleaf Bellflowers are popular old cottage garden perennials, cultivated for centuries. This unique selection has fluffy double white flowers held on strong stems that are excellent for cutting. Removing individual faded flowers will keep plants blooming for weeks on end. Great for cutting. Easy to please in any sunny border setting. An improvement on older double forms, with larger blooms and stronger stems. USPP#17174: unlicensed propagation prohibited. Registered with COPF. Sun Exposure; Full Sun or Partial Shade. Soil Type; Normal or Sandy or Clay. Soil pH; Neutral or Alkaline or Acid. Soil Moisture; Average or Moist. Care Level; Easy. Flower Colour; White. Blooming Time; Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer. Foliage Color; Deep Green. Accent: Good Texture/Form, Border, Containers, Cut Flower, Rabbit Resistant, Massed, Specimen, Flower Head; Size; Large. Height; 60-65 cm, 23-25 inches. Spread; 30-45 cm, 12-18 inches. Foot Traffic; None. Growth Rate; Medium.96)
* Campanula persicifolia cv. 'Takion Blue'
USDA Zone: 2-9. Plant number: 1.111.160. The Peach-leaved Bellflowers are popular old cottage garden perennials, cultivated for centuries. This is an outstanding compact strain, with the classic cup-shaped violet-blue bell flowers but with a more showy outfacing habit. Excellent for cutting. Removing individual faded flowers will keep plants blooming for weeks on end. Easy to please in any sunny border setting and terrific in containers. A recent introduction, this F1 hybrid was developed by breeder American Takii. Sun Exposure; Full Sun or Partial Shade. Soil Type; Normal or Sandy or Clay. Soil pH; Neutral or Alkaline or Acid. Soil Moisture; Average or Moist. Care Level; Easy. Flower Colour; Light Blue. Blooming Time; Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer. Foliage Color; Deep Green. Accent: Good Texture/Form, Border, Containers, Cut Flower, Rabbit Resistant, Flower Head Size; Medium. Height; 40-50 cm, 16-20 inches. Spread; 25-30 cm, 10-12 inches. Foot Traffic; None. Growth Rate; Medium. 97)
Beekenkamp Plants BV- Ornamentals is breeder and propagator of home and garden plants.
* Campanula persicifolia cv. ‘Takion White’
Beekenkamp Plants BV- Ornamentals is breeder and propagator of home and garden plants.
USDA Zone: 2-9. Plant number: 1.111.170. The Peach-leaved Bellflowers are popular old cottage garden perennials, cultivated for centuries. This is an outstanding compact strain, with the classic cup-shaped white bell flowers but with a more showy outfacing habit. Excellent for cutting. Removing individual faded flowers will keep plants blooming for weeks on end. Easy to please in any sunny border setting and terrific in containers. A recent introduction, this F1 hybrid was developed by breeder American Takii. Sun Exposure; Full Sun or Partial Shade; Soil Type; Normal or Sandy or Clay. Soil pH; Neutral or Alkaline or Acid. Soil Moisture; Average or Moist. Care Level; Easy. Flower Colour; White. Blooming Time; Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer. Foliage Color; Deep Green. Accent: Good Texture/Form, Border, Containers, Cut Flower, Rabbit Resistant, Flower Head Size; Medium. Height; 40-50 cm, 16-20 inches. Spread; 25-30 cm, 10-12 inches. Foot Traffic; None. Growth Rate; Medium.98)
* Campanula persicifolia cv. Telham Beauty
H80cm Hardy. Not evergreen. In summer, large nodding flowers. They sit in straight trusses and are oriented sideways. The plant expands by root suckers. The leaves are stiff and the lower leaves are oblong to lanceolate tapering into the petiole. Rosette Molding - Constitutes root suckers Flower color: Blue. Flowering June / July. Good cut flower with stems sometimes from 80 to 150 cm long.99)
Seed available, in small quantity. Species actually grown or used for breeding 100)
2680-82. De: Jardin de l'Angleterre, Floralies 1980. 20-8-82. Descr.: 1 plt.101)
- bruine roest
- luis
Nasce nelle siepi e nei cespuglieti boschivi sino altitudini di 2.000m. 102)
Kurjenkellon mielipaikkoja ovat lampimat, harvaa lehtimetsaa tai pensaikkoa kasvavat, usein kivikkoiset ruohikkorinteet ja lehtomaet. Seuralaisina ovat usein mm. Calamagrostis arundinacea, Melica nutans, Carex digitata, Hepatica nobilis ja Trifolium medium. Ihmisen toiminnasta laji on hyotynyt ja loytanyt soveliaita paikkoja esim. niittyjen reunoilta ja pientareilta. Kasvupaikkojen laatu kuvastaa lamminkesaisen mantereisen ilmaston suosimista, joka kay ilmi kurjenkellon levinneisyyden kokonaiskuvasta. Laji on harvinainen ja Norjassa sita on vain matereisimmissa kaakkoisosissa. Itaan pain kurjenkellon levinneisyys ulottuu Uralille ja etelassa Italiaan ja Kreikkaan.
Suomessa laji on jokseenkin yleinen suunnilleen Tampereen leveydelle. Melko runsaasti loytoja on myos paikoin Pohjois_Hameesta, Vaasan seudulta seka Kuopion lehtokeskuksen alueelta. Pohjoisin esiintyma, varsin erillinen, mutta ilmeisen luonnonvarainen, on Kemin maalaiskunnasta. M. Huumonen kuvaa kasvupaikkaa seuraavasti; “Laajojen kangasmaiden ymparoima, suohon loivasti viettava lehtomainen Oxalis-tyypin metsikko, alkuaan kuusikko, mutta vanhan kulon jalkeen myos kaoivua, haapaa, leppaa seka yksittaisia tuomia ja pihlajia kasvava.”103).
C'est une jolie plante qui croít dans les haies et surtout dans les bois montueux de la plupart des contrées de notre Flore oú elle épanouit, méme sous le feuillage des arbres, ses belles et grandes fleurs d'un bleu-violacé, parfois bleuátres ou blanches, depuis le mois de mai jusqu'au mois d'aoút. Préfére souvent les terrains siliceaux, mais peut croítre sur les sois calcaires; ne s'éléve guére á plus de 1.400 m. d'altitude sur les diverses montagnes.104)
Europe to north-east Asia, Fast ganz Europa, Sibirien.
Aywaille, Chokier, Esneux, Moha, Prov. de Liege, Belgique 105).
It is native to open woods, shrubby slopes and mountain meadows in Europe and Asia. Plants in this species have escaped gardens and naturalized over time in a number of areas in North America including the northeastern U.S. and eastern Canada.
Luoghi erbosi o boschivi: Istria, Pen. sino Puglie e Basil. e Sard. nel Sassarese; 4-5, rr. 3. (Eur. Sib.).106)
France: commun ou assez commun dans plusieurs contrées, mais de distribution ou assez commun dans plusieurs contrées, mais de distribution trés inégale; par exemple: rare ou trés rare dans l'Ouest (manque en Bretagne); rare dans la Région méditerrannéenne (manque sur le litterol méditerranéen proprement dit); rare dans le Nord de la France; commun, en géneral, dans 'l'Est; commun ou assez commun aux Environs de Pariset dans la Sarthe et dans le Loiret; assez commun en Auvergne, mais rare dans la Corréze, la Haute-Vienne; assez commun dans l'Aveyron; assez rare dans le Tarn; rare dans la Dordogne; ne se rencontre quére qu'á partir de l 'altitude de 400 m dans le lanquedoc ou la Provence, etc.
Suisse: commun ou assez commun eu général; manque dans les cantons d'Uri, de Schwitz, d Únterwald, d'Appenzell, de Saint-Gall et de Glaris. Belgique: assez commun dans la Région houillére; rare ou trés rare ailleurs. Europe: Europe, surtout moyenne et septentrionale jusqu'en Suéde. Hors d'Europe: Sibérie, Arménie.107)
Reeds in 1980 werden de cultivars Campanula persicifolia cv. 'Alba' en Campanula persicifolia cv. 'Grandiflora' opgeplant voor proeven gericht op bloeivervroeging, dit d.m.v. temperatuurverhoging en bemesting. Van elke varieteit werden 60 planten opgeplant 108).
The Peach-leaved Campanula. A very wellknown plant, and one of the handsomest species, providing with its numerous varieties some of the most useful and decorative of all the perennials. The varieties are blue and white; single cup; saucer blue and saucer white; double blue and double white; and gigantea alba plena (Moerheimi).The last named is a good Dutch novelty, but I believe equally good forms have been raised by Mr. Ladhams at Southampton. The snow-white variety named Backhousei was an accidental find of Mr. Potter's in a cottage garden in Yorkshire. Height two to three feet. This species admits of division in spring or after flowering, and appears to do best in rich heavy soils, light soils often seeming to weaken its character. Seed is also produced plentifully in the type.109)
Les Campanules á feuilles de Pécher produisent, toutes, un bon effet dans les plates-bandes et les corbeilles; les variéte's a Fleurs pleines, du reste le plus genéralement cultivées, sont surtout trés jolies; leur floraison se succéde de Juin en Juillet. Les fleurs des variétés doubles ou pleines sont formées de trois ou quatre corolles emboltées les unes dans les autres, ce qui leur donne beaucoup de ressemblance avec une cocarde. On peut dire que des Campanules font partie de la collection des bonnes plantes vivaces, rustiques, qu'on ne saurait trop recommander á l'attention des amateurs, d'autant plus que des variétés á fleurs bien plus grandes et plus vigoureuses que le type, et se reproduisant assez franchement par le semis, out été obtenues dans ces derniéres années. Leurs rameaux fleurisse conservent bien dans l'eau et conviennent particuliérement pour les bouquets et les garniturés de vases, oú les boutons avancés continuent á s'epanouir. Elles réussissent bien á l'ombre. - Les pieds doivent étre espacés d'environ 40 á 50 centimétres. Culture et multiplication du nr. 12 (Campanula carpatica) - Les variétes á fleurs doubles ou pleines doivent étre multipliées á l'automne ou au printemps par la division des touffles110).
Le piantine o i semi di molte altre Campanule nostrane entrate in commercio: la leggera ed appariscente Campanula persicifolia fornita in colori varianti dall'azzurro al bianco latte. 111)
Besonders beliebt als Ziergewachs. 112)
Campanula viciaeflora. Co le stesse norme colturali indicate per la Campanula Medium si coltvano altre due specie abbastanza frequenti nei giardini; Campanula persicifolia L., indigena, vivace, a fiore azzurro pallido e sue varieta a fiore bianco od a corolla doppia; Campanula grandis Fisch., della Russia settentrionale e dell'Anatolia, vivace, a fiori blu.113)
Borders. Cottage gardens. Also effective in lightly shaded woodland areas where plants can be left alone to naturalize. Mass or large groups are best. Easily grown in average, medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. Plants prefer cool summer climates. They are generally intolerant of the extreme heat of the deep South, and do not perform well south of USDA Zone 7. They appreciate some part afternoon shade in hot summer climates. Plants need regular and even moisture. Deadhead spent flowers to encourage additional bloom and curb any unwanted self-seeding. Cut back flowering stems to basal rosettes when stem leaves begin to fade. In optimum growing conditions, plants will spread both by self-seeding and offsets. Divide clumps every 3-4 years. Propagate by seed, cuttings or division. Seed may be planted in the garden in late spring for bloom the following year. 114)
Le Campanula sono entrate nei giardini fino dalla seconda meta del xvi secolo, secondo le testmonianze di Gerard e di Clarici. Tra il 1596 e il 1597 Gerard raccolse in Inghilterra esemplari di Campanula persicaefolia, Campanula pyramidalis e Campanula medium che nella flora spontanea inglese non esistono: il che significa, dando tempo al tempo, che probabilmente in Italia erano state trasportate, dallaliberta dei campi al chiuso degli orti, forse parecchi decenni prima. Con certezza sappiamo che nei giardini francesi furonointrodotte nel 1774 la Campanula carpatica, nel 1779 la Campanula alpina e la Campanula pulla, nel 1783 la Campanula sibirica, nel 1788 la Campanula versicolor e la Campanula mollis; in Inghilterra nel 1774 la Campanula carpatica, nel 1775 la Campanula thyrsoides e nel 1779 la Campanula pulla. 115)
Come si coltiva. La Campanula non e generalmente un fiore difficile da coltivare. Essendo originaria delle zone temperate dell'emisfero boreale, dove cresce su terreni freschi o umidi di regioni in prevalenza montane, richiede, oltre a un'esposizione luminosa e non troppo soleggiata, le stesse condizioni ambientali: il terreno, fatta eccezione per qualche specie, deve contenere una certa percentuale di calcio. Questo non significa che le Campanula non si possano coltivare magnificamente anche su un terrazzo assolatissimo. Per esperienza personale posso assicurare che la Campanula pyramidalis, la Campanula isophylla, la Campanula glomerata, la Campanula garganica, la Campanula carpatica, la Campanula fragilis e la Campanula persicaefolia, per limitarsi a poche, prosperano ottimamente sul terrazzo sotto un sole cocente, purche generosamente annaffiate. La Campanula carpatica e la Campanula garganica possono essere coltivate bene anche in vasi di cm. 16-18 di diametro, mentre la Campanula pyramidalis vuole uno spazio maggiore (cm 30) e la Campanula glomerata una misura intermedia. Plante comestible qui peut se consommer cuite ou en salade. 116)
Most populer Campanula plants as a commercial production in Japan is Campanula portenschlagiana (we say bell flower in only this species). Other important species of Campanula are Campanula persifolia, Campanula medium and Campanula glomerata for cut flower but recently dwarf variety and possible to dwarffing by the retardant chemicals it production is increasing117).
Vétsina popisovanych zvonkú jsou druhy skalní, osídlující auté, stérbiny a spáry skal, droliny nebo kamenité hole a to jak nad lesní hranicí vysoko v horich , tak i v montánnim nebo kolinním stupni. Nékolik druhu roste na lukách nebo v podrostu lesú/napr. nasé domácí C. persicifolia nebo balkánska C. abietina/. Pri vysadbé volíme strmé svahy skalky s úzkymi stérbinami a stérkovity substrát. Zvlást vhodné jsou kamenné zídky, kde se velmi dobre darí druhúm z okruhu C. garganica.118)
Mezi zvonky jsou druhy, které musíme hlídat, aby se jejich semens nevysela po skalce, pak se stávají nezádoucím plevelem. Jsou to napr. C. persicifolia, C. rotundifolia a v mensí míre i C. carpatica. Velmi obtízny plevel, zvlásté v teplejsích oblastech, je zvonek repkovity / C. rapunculoides /. Nékdy musime omezit i C. cochlearifolia nebo C. poscharskyana, které se prílis rozrústajif podzemními vybézky.119)