Campanula lanata
Friv. lanata:Orig 021125-0277-81 Locn 1A EU, rec: SEED: 1ab: 1, ayr: 82 1)
Friv. Synonym Campanula velutina Velen.
Supplement to the Annual Seedlist, 1983, Volume 3,1, Others, nr. 433: Campanula lanata / AR - low, trailing, creamy blooms 2)
An exceedingly rare species with sulphur-yellow flowers, which, though first described in the Acta of the Hungarian Academy in 1837, seems never to have come into at all general cultivation. It grows to as much as 18 inches in height, and forms a pyramid of slender branched terminating in large bell-shaped blossems filled more or less like barbata with long haires. It is a true rock plant, and likes a full exposure to the sun. (Fig. 34).3)
Monocarpic, densely grayish-silky-tomentose.
Basal leaves tufted, cordate-ovate, about 4 in. long, serrate, petioles as long as the blades, winged, upper leaves smaller. Flower stems several to 3 ft.
Kelchbuchten mit Anhangen.
Creamy blooms.
Flowers many, axillary and terminal, calyx with minute, lanceolate appendages, corolla white, pale yellow, or even pinkish, to 1 ¼ in. long, broadly campanulate.
Seed available, in small quantity. Information needed.- Species actually grown or used for breeding 4)
Kapsel nahe am Grunde aufspringend (Hangende Kapseln springen meist nahe am Grunde, aufrechte nahe den Kelchb. auf. Man kann daher im Allgemeinen die Art des Aufspringens aus der Stellung der verbluhten Bl. erschliessen, besonders wenn diese gestielt sind.) Sect. I Medium Tourn. (als Gatt.). A. Quinqueloculares. Kapsel 5facherig. Kelchbuchten mit Anhangen. 5)
Medeterrainen sea, north Greece and Bulgaria.
Berge Thraciens.
campanula/lanata.txt · Laatst gewijzigd: 2023/04/01 11:15 door Herman H. Berteler