Campanula lactiflora
M.B.Infrageneric Taxa
Fam. des Campanulacées. Section 2: Calice sans appendice. Groupe 1: - Capsules á 3 loges, sessiles, dressées.1)
Synonym Campanula celtidifolia Boiss.
E.: Milky bellflower
Fr: V. Campanule a feuilles de Micocoulier.2)Habitus
Altezza: fino a m. 2. Pianta che, ben coltivata, puo raggiungere anche i m. 2 di altezza, ma generalmente in giardino e alta solo la meta. Ha radice carnosa e quasi tuberosa e soffre di essere disturbata una volta che sia stabilita in un terreno. 3)
Perennial, stems several, to 4 ft.
Basal leaves sessile, ovate, to 5 in. long, serrate. Flower stems with progressively smaller leaves, often nearly naked, with many-flowered terminal panicles..4)
Blatter eilanzettlich.Flowers
Fioritura: V-VI. Ha fiori numerosi, in pannocchie aperte, bianchi, leggermente soffusi di azzurro pallido, lunghi cm. 2.50. 5)
Flowers erect, calyx without appendages, the lobes serrate, corolla pale blue or nearly white, to about 1 in. across, campanulate-rotate. Blutenstande traubig oder rispig.
Seed available, in small quantity. Species actually grown or used for breeding 6)
Kapsel nahe der Spitze, seltener etwas oberhalb der Mitte sich offnend, 3facherig. Kelchbuchten ohne Anhangen. Sect. II Rapunculus Boiss.7)
- Campanula lactiflora Biet. 787-82. De: The Royal Horticultural Society's Garden, Wisley, England. Descr.: sem. 5-3-828)
- Campanula lactiflora var. alba
- Campanula lactiflora var. celtidifolia
- Campanula lactiflora var. hybride, open pollination9)
- Campanula lactiflora var. magnifica
- Campanula lactiflora var. pouffe
- Campanula lactiflora var. prichard
- Campanula lactiflora var. prichard 's variety
* Campanula lactiflora cv. ‘Alba’ flowers white
* Campanula lactiflora cv. ‘Blue Cross’
USDA Zone: 4-9. Plant number: 1.110.220. This is an English selection of the Milky Bellflower. Plants form a medium-tall upright clump, bearing large heads or clusters of pale china-blue flowers throughout the early summer. Excellent for cutting, and a perfect companion to roses of all types. Also an excellent mid-border plant for using in pastel border schemes with other shades of blue, violet, pink and white. Removing fading flowers will help to encourage a second flush of bloom. Plants may need to be staked. Easily divided in spring or fall. In warm summer areas, choose a part-shade location. Sun Exposure; Full Sun or Partial Shade. Soil Type; Normal or Sandy or Clay. Soil pH; Neutral or Alkaline or Acid. Soil Moisture; Average or Moist. Care Level; Moderate. Flower Colour; Light Blue. Blooming Time; Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer. Foliage Color; Deep Green. Accent: Good Texture/Form, Border, Cut Flower, Rabbit Resistant, Flower Head Size Large, Height; 90-120 cm, 35-47 inches. Spread; 45-60 cm, 18-23 inches. Foot Traffic; None. Growth Rate; Medium.10)
- Campanula lactiflora cv. ‘Caerulea’ flowers blue
- Campanula lactiflora cv. 'Loddon Anna'
Tall stems topped with clusters of palest pink flowers in mid-summer. Excellent for filling out a border and adding height. To 1.5m. Hardy. 11)
E meno alta e ha fiori rosa pallido.12)- Campanula lactiflora cv. 'Macrantha'
- Campanula lactiflora cv. 'Macrantha Alba'
- Campanula lactiflora cv. ‘Pouffe’
Dwarf Milky Bellflower. USDA Zone: 4-9. Plant number: 1.110.250. Bellflowers are among the most popular of perennials. This selection forms a low, bushy mound of green leaves, bearing loads of starry soft lavender-blue flowers, beginning in early summer. Removing faded blooms will encourage more buds to form. Plants can be clipped hard in summer if they get floppy. Excellent companion to roses of all types. A nice choice for edging, it also does well in mixed tubs or containers. In warm climates this will perform best with partial shade and a rich, moist site. Easily divided in spring or fall. Full Sun or Partial Shade. Soil Type; Normal or Sandy or Clay. Soil pH; Neutral or Alkaline or Acid. Soil Moisture; Average or Moist. Care Level; Easy. Flower Colour; Light Blue. Blooming Time; Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer. Early Fall. Foliage Color; Deep Green. Accent: Good Texture/Form, Border, Containers, Cut Flower, Edging, Rabbit Resistant, Massed, Woodland, Flower Head Size; Small. Height; 25-45 cm, 10-18 inches. Spread; 30-45 cm, 12-18 inches. Foot Traffic; None. Growth Rate; Medium. 13)
- Campanula lactiflora cv. 'Pouffe' 2679-82. De: Jardin de l 'Angleterre, Floralies 1980. 20-8-82. Descr.: 1 plt., 1. Couche 130, 1. 17-8-82.14)
- Campanula lactiflora cv. 'Prichards Variety' -
lactiflora 'Prichard's Variety':Orig 013104-0312-76 Locn 1B 05, rec: PLNT: 1ab: 1, ayr: 76 15) Clusters of warm blue flowers on tall stems in mid-summer. Ideal for filling out borders and adding height. Fills out quite quickly too. To 1.5m. Hardy. 16) A very high, rich bloomer that does well in the border. Beautiful dark blue flowers. Hardy, deciduous perennial for sun or partial shade. 70-100 cm. In May, the plant half, so one obtains a longer bloom and a stronger plant. Fairly easy plant.17)
- Campanula lactiflora cv. 'Senior'
An easy plant with light violet flowers on tall sturdy stems.18)
E pianta che si presta molto bene al taglio. Ama i terreni fertili e profondi, moderatamente umidi e non troppo pesanti.
Si puo ottenere anche da seme, seminando in primavera a dimora.19)
Caucasus, Kleinasien.
Originaria del Caucaso.Beneficial
One of the finest and most distinct of the perennial border species. When well established it ofeten attains a hieght of sex feet. Flowers pale blue, in dense umbellate panicles. The white variety seems to be a dwarfer but still very beautiful plant. Close to this species, and probably a variety of it, comes celtidifolia, rather more compact than lactiflora. Both this and lactiflora require to be planted at least two years before they attain their normal dimensions. The foliage of these two species is of a pleasing pale green.20)