Campanula kryophila
Campanula kryophila = Campanula ardonensis ssp. kryophila; Campanula saxifraga var. leptorhiza, It was first found and described Ruprecht in 1867 in North Ossetia in Tseyskoe Gorge (loc. Class), as well as localized or endemic throughout Adayhohskom array representing the highest part of the basin of the Main Range.Text V.I.Kobauri1)
Perennial herb squat, forming a slightly sparse clumps of leaf rosettes. The stem on the top bears a single, very large shirokokolokolchaty blue flower whose upper corolla lobes are cut by a third. The height of flower stalks ranges from 8-10 cm. to 15 cm., depending on the height n. y. m., slope and sodding substrate. At low altitudes, the bell has a small tubular flower and all the signs etiolation, and thus, as it were disguised as types and Campanula ciliata Campanula biebersteiniana, with whom to form a local group sod convex slopes.
The root of the species Campanula kryophila stem, thickened at the base of outlets has beet coloring and quickly branched in the substrate than the root resembles Campanula biebersteiniana, indicating a kinship. And here it is more reminiscent of a flower Campanula ciliata, especially at lower turf-covered slopes. In the classical morphology of this type is considered closer to Campanula ardonensis, with whom he is compared.Text V.I.Kobauri 2)
It was first found and described Ruprecht in 1867 in North Ossetia in Tseyskoe Gorge (loc. Class), as well as localized or endemic throughout Adayhohskom array representing the highest part of the basin of the Main Range. Ardon. However, according to the last 15 - 20 years is found in near-Elbrus years. Cheget, Elbrus, which is confined to rocky outcrops and outliers their pockets with fragments of scree and sparse carpets at altitudes of 2600-2700 m. To 3400-3500 m. Above sea level. From the above, this type is the highest in the Caucasus, competing within the altitude range only C.biebersteiniana.
Perennial herb squat, forming a slightly sparse clumps of leaf rosettes. Leaves sockets and sterile shoots dlinnotonkochereshkovye, ovate-oblong, narrowed to the base, at the ends of crenate-toothed. The stem on the top bears a single, very large shirokokolokolchaty blue flower whose upper corolla lobes are cut by a third. The height of flower stalks ranges from 8-10 cm. To 15 cm., Depending on the height n. y. m., slope and sodding substrate. At low altitudes, the bell has a small tubular flower and all the signs etiolation, and thus, as it were disguised as types and C.ciliata C.biebersteiniana, with whom to form a local group sod convex slopes. This species is very promising for further study and decorative applications. Text V.I.Kobauri. 3)
The stem on the top bears a single, very large shirokokolokolchaty blue flower whose upper corolla lobes are cut by a third. The height of flower stalks ranges from 8-10 cm. to 15 cm., depending on the height n. y. m., slope and sodding substrate. At low altitudes, the bell has a small tubular flower and all the signs etiolation, and thus, as it were disguised as types and Campanula ciliata Campanula biebersteiniana, with whom to form a local group sod convex slopes. Text V.I.Kobauri.4)
The root of the species Campanula kryophila stem, thickened at the base of outlets has beet coloring and quickly branched in the substrate than the root resembles Campanula biebersteiniana, indicating a kinship. Text V.I.Kobauri.5)
Introduction and seed germination in a median strip is quite vital. Text V.I.Kobauri.6)
The height of flower stalks ranges from 8-10 cm. to 15 cm., depending on the height n. y. m., slope and sodding substrate. At low altitudes, the bell has a small tubular flower and all the signs etiolation. Text V.I.Kobauri. 7)
Rarest narrow local endemic only the highest part of the Central Caucasus (main ridge).It was first found and described Ruprecht in 1867 in North Ossetia in Tseyskoe Gorge (loc. Class), as well as localized or endemic throughout Adayhohskom array representing the highest part of the basin of the Main Range. Ardon. However, according to the last 15 - 20 years is found in near-Elbrus years. Cheget, Elbrus, which is confined to rocky outcrops and outliers their pockets with fragments of scree and sparse carpets at altitudes of 2600-2700 m. To 3400-3500 m. Above sea level. From the above, this type is the highest in the Caucasus, competing within the altitude range only Campanula biebersteiniana. Text V.I.Kobauri. 8)