Campanula githopsidea
Rattan, Bot. Gaz. (Crawfordsville) 11:339. 1886. non Formanek, 1894. - Type: California, Contra Costa Co., summit of Mt. Diablo, 14 June 1886, V. Rattan s.n. (Holotype:JEPS!; Isotypes: GH! JEPS!). The Rattan collection at GH contains a holograph description of the new species with a postcard sent to Coulter that mentions Mrs. Curran's Mt. Tamalpais collection. There is no indication on that specimen that it is the holotype. The sheets at JEPS were deposited there after Rattan's death by his daughter, according to Jepson's notes, and had been part of Rattan's personal herbarium. In the pocket of one, marked “type” in Jepson's hand, is a loose label with imprinted locality information and “Campanula githopsidea” handwritten. On the reverse of the label is a note in Rattan's handwriting to the effect that Gray had suggested Campanula exgua instead bevause he considered the former name confusing. It seems reasonable to treat this JEPS sheet as the holotype.1)
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