Campanula Elatines
L. 1).
Pollini (1822)2)
Synonym: Campanula Elatines ssp. Elatinoides (Moretti, 1822). Peduncoli moltiflore. Calice a lobi subeguali alla corolla, assai stretti. Pianta biancastro-tomentosa, a ramificazione compatta, robusta, a picciuoli e peduncoli brevi, a fg. grasse e racemi stretti e fitti. - Alpi bresc., bergam. e comasche, non piu trovata nel Trevig. al Cansiglio. (Endem.). - Campanula Elatines Pollini (1822), non L. - Campanula intermedia Ugolini (1912) (f. inter Campanula elatines ssp. Subelatines et Campanula Elatines var. elatinoides media). (1759) Section VI: Elatines Wohlf. (1895)3)
.Although several botanical varieties and several cultivars have been recognized, the garden plants and not easily referable to them 4).
Campanula fenestrellata Feer synonym Campanula Elatines var. fenestrellata (Feer) 5).
Adriatic Bellflower
A very rare, difficult, and beautiful species growing from four to six inches in height. The flowers, which appear in July and August, are bluish-purple, born on a branched stem, and the leaves heart-shaped, downy, and deeply toothed. It requires a perfecty drained position on the rockery or, better still, on a wall. It may also be grown in rather large well-drained pots, a third of the pot being filled with stones covered with poor gritty loam and a little leaf mould. (Fig. 32). This plant must not be confused with C. elatinoides, which has an unbranched stem and much smaller very dark blue flowers.6)
Vivace, a radice rizomatosa voluminosa, steli prostrati o pendenti, lunghi circa cm. 207)
Perenni. Fusti cespugliosi, semplici o ramosi, spesso pendenti dalle rupi (1-2dm.). 8) Glabrous or pubescent perennial, stems slender, spreading from a root crown.Low-growing plants 15-25 cm tall, with slender stems, radiating from the central rosette. Lower leaves long-oval from cordate to rounded with sharp teeth. The flowers are quite large (the length of 2.8-3 cm), collected in narrow panicles. Corolla blue, tubular. It blooms in June and July.9)
branched stem, and the leaves heart-shaped, downy, and deeply toothed.10)
Foglie radicali cuoriformi, dentate, picciolate, le caulinari sessili11)
Fg. dentato-seghettate, le infer. cuoriformi-subrotonde od ovali, lungam. piccolato. 12)
Lower leaves long-petioled, cordate-ovate to cordate-orbicular, to 1 in. long and broad, very sharply toothed.
It grows in the mountains of the Adriatic.
Lower leaves long-oval from cordate to rounded with sharp teeth. 13)
The flowers, which appear in July and August, are bluish-purple, born on a branched stem. This plant must not be confused with Campanula elatinoides, which has an unbranched stem and much smaller very dark blue flowers.14)
Fiori umerosi in grappoli unilaterali, corolla azzurra, biancheggiante alla base interna15)
Lugl.-Sett. Corolla a scodella od appianato-rotata, divisa sin oltre la meta. Corolla spianato-rotata, divisa sino ai 2/3 od oltre. Calice a lobi strettam. lanceolati. Corolla azzurra col tubo biancastro (rr. bianca), a lobi ovali-lanceolati, patenti-riflessi.16)
Flower measuring,between 15 - 25mm (5/8 to 1 inch.)17)
Flowers se veral to many in racemes or narrow panicles, calyx without appendages, lobes linear or awl-shaped, corolla white or blue, to ½ in. across or more, nearly rotate.The flowers are quite large (the length of 2.8-3 cm), collected in narrow panicles. Corolla blue, tubular. It blooms in June and July.18)
Na temelju podataka R. Wohlfahrtha (1902), A. Fioria (1925), A. Hayeka (1931), J. Damboldta (1965), mozemo skupinu izofilnih zvoncica prikazati na slijedeci nacin:
* Campanula, sect. Campanula Subsect. Elatines (Wohlfahrth) Trinajstic, comb. nov.- Bas. = Rotte Elatines Wohlfahrth in Halier et Wohlfahrth.
W. D. J. Koch's Syn Deutsch. u. Schweiz. Fl. ed. 3, 2: 1275 (1902).
- Syn = Sect. Elatines (Wohlfahrth) Fiori, Nuov. Fl. Anal. d'Ital. 2: 557 (1925-1929).
1. Ser. Elatines - Numerositas chromosomorum 2n = 34, rossulae foliorum steriles non evolutae. Typus seriei: Campanula elatines L. 2. Ser. Garganicae Trinajstic, ser. nov. - Numerositas chromosomorum 2n = 34, rossulae foliorum steriles evolutae. Typus seriei: Campanula garganica T e n. 3. Ser. Fragiles Trinajstic, ser. nov. - Numerositas chromosomorum 2n = 32. Typus seriei: Campanula fragilis Cyrillo 19)
Seed available, in small quantity. Species actually grown or used for breeding 20)
* Campanula elatines var. alba * Campanula elatines ssp. Barbeyi (Feer, 1890). Peduncoli 1-3-flori. Calice a lobi assai piu brevi della corolla. - Piante glabre o pubescenti. Peduncoli ad 1 (rr. 2) fi. Pianta glabra o quasi, intensam. verde e grassetta. Il resto come nella var. prec. - Gargano a M. S. Angelo. (Endem.). 21) . * Campanula Elatines var. elatinoides (Moretti, 1822). Peduncoli moltiflore. Calice a lobi subeguali alla corolla, assai stretti. Pianta biancastro-tomentosa, a ramificazione compatta, robusta, a picciuoli e peduncoli brevi, a fg. grasse e racemi stretti e fitti. - Alpi bresc., bergam. e comasche, non piu trovata nel Trevig. al Cansiglio. (Endem.). - Campanula Elatines Pollini (1822), non L. - Campanula intermedia Ugolini (1912) (f. inter Campanula elatines ssp. Subelatines et Campanula Elatines var. elatinoides media).22) . Fiori – synoniem Campanula elatinoides Moretti.23). Seed available, in small quantity. Species actually grown or used for breeding 24) Of dense, compact habit, leaves somewhat fleshy, white-tomentose. Italian Alps.
* Campanula Elatines L. var. fenestrellata (Feer)25) synoniem Campanula fenestrellata Feer.
Seed available, in small quantity. Species actually grown or used for breeding 26) Basal leaves glabrous, glossy, pedicels mostly 5-9 times longer than the calyx. Italy to Yugoslavia. * Campanula Elatines L. var. garganica (Ten., 1827), Peduncoli 1-3-flori. Calice a lobi assai piu brevi della corolla. - Piante glabre o pubescenti. Peduncoli ad 1 (rr. 2) fi. Piante ca. pelose. Fg. piu piccole (simili a quelle di Campanula fragilis), le radicali subrotonde, a denti meno profondi e piu ottusi. Corolla lunga 10 e larga 12-14mm. Pianta piu gracile, a lobi clicini piu stretti e piu acuti. - Gargano a M. S. Angelo e M. Sacro. (Endem.)27) Campanula elatines L. var. garganica 2090-83. De: Botanical Garden of the University of Oslo, Norway. Descr.: sem. 6-5-8328)
Fiori synoniem Campanula garganica Ten. 29).
Seed available, in small quantity. Species actually grown or used for breeding 30) Basal leaves mostly ovate, acute, green, with minute pubescence, corolla 1/8-3/8 in. long. South Italy. Campanula garganica Ten. = Campanula elatines var. garganica 31) * Campanula Elatines L. ssp. Glaberrima DC. f. (1830). Peduncoli 1-3-flori. Calice a lobi assai piu brevi della corolla. - Piante glabre o pubescenti. Peduncoli a 3 (rr. 1-2)fi. - Fg. infer. grandi. Pianta del tutto glabra. - Alpi piem. pr. Lanzo e fra Venasca e Brossasco. (Endem.). - Campanula subalpina Delponte et Gras (1873)32) * Campanula Elatines ssp. Istriaca (Feer, 1890) Peduncoli 1-3-flori. Calice a lobi assai piu brevi della corolla. - Piante glabre o pubescenti. Peduncoli ad 1 (rr. 2) fi. Piante ca. pelose. Fg. grandi come nel tipo, profondam. ed acutam. dentate, tutte ovali. Corolla lunga 10-12 e larga circa 20mm. - Istria mer. pr. Fianona e sul M. Sissol. is. Lussin. (Is. del Quarnero). - Campanula garganica Vis. p. p. (1874), Rchb. f. (1860), non Ten. - Campanula Pontenschlagiana var. pubescens DC. f. p. p. (1839) 33) Fiori synoniem Campanula istriaca Feer, synonym Campanula fenestrellata var. istriaca.34). Seed available, in small quantity. Species actually grown or used for breeding 35) Leaves broadly orbicular, gray-pubescent, corolla to ½ in. long or more. Yugoslavia. * Campanula Elatines ssp. Typica. Peduncoli 1-3-flori. Calice a lobi assai piu brevi della corolla. - Piante glabre o pubescenti. Peduncoli a 3 (rr. 1-2)fi. - Fg. infer. grandi. Pianta ca. pelosa. - Alpi piem. dalle Graje or. in Valsoana alle Cozie. 36)* Campanula elatines var. pubescens * Campanula elatines ssp. Subelatines (Ugolini, 1912). Peduncoli moltiflore. Calice a lobi subeguali alla corolla, assai stretti. Pianta glabra o quasi, verde, a ramificazione slanciata, gracile, a picciuoli e peduncoli lunghi, a fg. sottili ed a racemi lassi e divaricati. Portam. del tipo. - Alpi bresciane (luoghi elevati, in vallette anguste od entro grotte). (Endem.). * Campanula elatines var. typica
* Campanula Elatines L. cv. ‘Alba’ – flowers white
* Campanula Elatines L. cv. ‘Erinus’
* Campanula elatines L. cv. Fenestrellata (Feer) 784-82. Orig. Hort. L.H. Bailey. De: The Royal Horticultural Society's Garden, Wisley, England. Descr.: sem. 5-3-8237)* Campanula elatines L. cv. Garganica (Ten) 786-82. Orig. Hort. De: The Royal Horticultural Society's Garden, Wisley, England. Descr.: sem. 5-3-8238)
* Campanula Elatines L. cv. ‘Glaberrima’* Campanula Elatines L. cv. ‘Glabra’
* Campanula Elatines L. cv. ‘Hirsuta’
* Campanula Elatines L. cv. ‘Major’
* Campanula Elatines L. cv. ‘Pallida’
* Campanula Elatines L. cv. ‘Villosa’
Campanula 'Lynchmere' - Graham Nicholls - Note: A hybrid introduced in the late 1940s/early 1950s being a cross between Campanula elatines and Campanula rotundifolia.
Uses: rockeries, mixborders, curbs, group planting, pot culture.39)
A very rare, difficult, and beautiful species growing from four to six inches in height. It requires a perfecty drained position on the rockery or, better still, on a wall. It may also be grown in rather large well-drained pots, a third of the pot being filled with stones covered with poor gritty loam and a little leaf mould. (Fig. 32). It should have the same treatment as Campanula excisa and Campanula cenisia and Campanula Morettiana.40)
Delle Alpi orientali41)
Rupi calcari e vecchi muri; 4-5. (Dalm. Cefalonia).42) A variable species of the Adriatic region and eastward, Italian Alps, Yugoslavia. It grows in the mountains of the Adriatic.43)