Campanula ciliata
Infrageneric Taxa
Sect. Scapiflorae (Boiss.) Charadze in Zam. Sist. Geogr. Rast. (Tbilisi) 15:25(1949). Syn.: 'Scapiflorae' Boiss., Fl. Or. 3:894(1875).
- Ser. Scapiflorae (Boiss.) Fomin in Fl. Cauc. Crit. 4, 6:45(1906).
- Subsect. Scapiflorae (Boiss.) Fedorov in Fl. URSS 24:282(1957).
- Subsect. Rupestres (Boiss.) Fedorov in Fl. URSS 24:256(1957).
Type. Campanula ciliata Stev. in Mem. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 256(1812).1) Section Scapiflorae. Campanula ciliata Steven = Campanula tridentata var. ciliata (Steven) Trautv = Hemisphaera ciliata (Steven) Kolak. = Campanula speciosa, Campanula ciliata var. tipica, Campanula ciliata var. longifolia The height of flower stalks (from Campanula kryophila) ranges from 8-10 cm. to 15 cm., depending on the height n. y. m., slope and sodding substrate. At low altitudes, the bell has a small tubular flower and all the signs etiolation, and thus, as it were disguised as types and Campanula ciliata Campanula biebersteiniana, with whom to form a local group sod convex slopes.Text V.I.Kobauri2) 3)
Perennial with rod, rather thickened root yellowish-brown color. Stems flowered, slightly leafy, often low of 7 to 15 cm. Height. Flowering from June iyul.Recessed location of the root makes the plant drought-resistant, with a relatively long flowering.
The root of the species Campanula kryophila stem, thickened at the base of outlets has beet coloring and quickly branched in the substrate than the root resembles Campanula biebersteiniana, indicating a kinship. And here it is more reminiscent of a flower Campanula ciliata, especially at lower turf-covered slopes. Text V.I.Kobauri.4)
Basal leaves sessile form rosettes, they are linear-lanceolate and glandular-toothed with a deflected back teeth. Text V.I.Kobauri
Stems flowered, slightly leafy, often low of 7 to 15 cm. Height. Corolla appendages ciliate, triangular-ovate, drawn down and cover the tube cups. Flower blue-violet with enlightenment at the bottom of the cup, and a purple tinted in the upper limb of the corolla, as more and more aging Brightening up the blue color.Flowering from June iyul.U homeland developed caudex forms rarely or not at all forms, but in the culture I was able to bring it to the outlets and 8-12, respectively, flowers. Recessed location of the root makes the plant drought-resistant, with a relatively long flowering. Text V.I.Kobauri
Seeds though forms, but the germination of their data varies from moderate to weak. Any substrates with a certain amount of the compost (humus) but not peat. The reaction is slightly alkaline Ph. Enough high-ornamental plants. Text V.I.Kobauri
- Campanula ciliata var. longifolia
Campanula ciliata Steven = Campanula tridentata var. ciliata (Steven) Trautv = Hemisphaera ciliata (Steven) Kolak. = Campanula speciosa, Campanula ciliata var. tipica, Campanula ciliata var. longifolia8)
- Campanula ciliata var. pontica
Albov. Fischt and Oshten
Section Scapiflorae.Redky uzkoendemichny and pretty views of the Western Caucasus. It was first found and described Albov in 1893-94. in Abkhazia, Bzybsky hr. Mr. Chipshira and Circassia's. Fischt and Oshten. The notes Fomin read: “This species is distributed throughout the Alpine Main Ridge area, but there are usually rare, mainly zadernёnnyh rocks in the highest places of the alpine zone. Leaves in the form elongated, leathery, crenate-toothed and sharpened at the ends, end whitish zhelёzkoy <…> Corolla slightly tubular-funnel-shaped and divided into 1/3 oval lobe, with a small sharpening … ” The color of flowers from lilac to purple with slightly blurred transitions. Be formed before (Campanula dzaaku) and now forms a whitish or more uzkotrubchatye form (Campanula angustitubularis), only bare rocks in the district of Oshten. Campanula dzaaku described in the “Flora of the USSR”, but for the past 40 years, botany, morphology never mentioned it to years. Fischt and Oshten. Kind of interesting and, most of all, a promising, especially his newly found form. Text V.I.Kobauri9)- Campanula ciliata var. tipica
Campanula ciliata Steven = Campanula tridentata var. ciliata (Steven) Trautv = Hemisphaera ciliata (Steven) Kolak. = Campanula speciosa, Campanula ciliata var. tipica, Campanula ciliata var. longifolia10)
- Campanula ciliata var. violaceus
In the area of Kislovodsk on the ridge. Jinan at an altitude of 1350-1400 m. Was found interesting form of C. ciliata, which has a higher spike in the range of 15 cm. The flower tubular-funnel-shaped, ie, more elongated, slightly narrowed, the color is completely purple with a barely noticeable only very small clarification at the base of the cup on the border with the corolla. It was hot, the flowers fade, of course, faster, but it is not losing the color, ie, We do not burn. Seeds collected in the same year, though failed, and they were planted, but germination was not given, as regret. Found a form designated by me as Campanula ciliata var. violaceus. Text V.I.Kobauri
The plant is mainly meadow or meadow-scree, drought-resistant enough. High-altitude interval from 1350 to 2800 m. Above sea level12)
Endemic of the Caucasus. Distributed throughout the Caucasus on the scree, moraines in the alpine zone of the mountains. The plant is mainly meadow or meadow-scree, drought-resistant enough. High-altitude interval from 1350 to 2800 m. Above sea level.In the area of Kislovodsk on the ridge. Jinan at an altitude of 1350-1400 m. Text V.I.Kobauri