Campanula Chamissonis
The names Campanula dasyantha and Campanula pilosa have sometimes been misapplied to this species 1). Campanula chamissonis Fed. - Synonym; Campanula pilosa var. dasyantha (Bieb.)Herd.; Campanula dasyantha Bieb.-2) Podarilo se nám vyresit problém Campanula pilosa a C. dasyantha. Zvonek, ktery se u nás pod témito názvy péstuje, má správné oznacení C. chamissonis Fed. Je domácí na Dálném Vychodé a v Japonsku a má cepele listu eliptecké, zatimco C. dasyantha Bieb. roste v horách Sibire, na Dálném Vychodé a v Kanadé a má listy cárkovité podlouhlé.3)
Japan: Chishima-gikyo
Perennial, stems to 6 in, lower leaves somewhat in a rosette.
Rhizomes slender, slightly thickened; stems 5-15cm long, few-leaved.4)
Petite graceful plant with very large (compared to the size of the plant) violet-blue flower. Perennial low (5-10 cm) plant with a thin cylindrical rhizome. Small-crenate obratnoyaytse prominent glossy leaves collected in the outlet (stem leaves lanceolate). Flower solitary. At most one plant stems, rarely - up to five. It flowers in July and August, the seeds ripen in August-September. Individual flowers are found in September. 5)
Leaves long-petioled, oblanceolate to oblong, to 1 ¾ in. long, obtuse, glabrous or with few hairs marginally or on the veins beneath.
Radical leaves somewhat rosulate, oblanceolate to narrowly oblong, 2-4cm long, 0.6-1 cm wide, obtuse, gradually narrowed at base to a long petiole, minutely undulate-toothed, lustrous above, glabrous or with scattered long hairs on margin and on midrib beneath.6)Small-crenate obratnoyaytse prominent glossy leaves collected in the outlet (stem leaves lanceolate). 7)
Flowers solitary, terminal, calyx pubescent, with minute, awl-shaped appendages, corolla blue, to 1 ¾ in. long, campanulate, softly white-hairy on the margins and within.
Flowers solitary, terminal; calyx long-pubescent, the segments erect, broadly deltoid-lanceolate, 8-15cm long, acute; corolla blue, campanulate, 3-4cm long with long soft white hairs on margin and inside. - Aug.8)Petite graceful plant with very large (compared to the size of the plant) violet-blue flower. Flower solitary, of course, 3.8-4 cm long, ud-Lynen-funnel-shaped, 3 cm in diameter, calyx appendages, corolla hairy on the edge. At most one plant stems, rarely - up to five. It flowers in July and August, the seeds ripen in August-September. Individual flowers are found in September. There belotsvetkovaya form (Takeda, 1938). In SahKNII since 1965, growing out in the open on the ridges of the first portion. Good growing, forming a continuous carpet Small rosette of leaves almost invisible because of large flowers. It grows in late April. Blooms in late June-early July, blooms for a month. Easy to culture (Takeda, 1938).9)
Information needed.- Species actually grown or used for breeding 10)
It flowers in July and August, the seeds ripen in August-September. There belotsvetkovaya form (Takeda, 1938). In SahKNII since 1965, growing out in the open on the ridges of the first portion. The seeds ripen in August. Easily propagated by seed or by dividing the clumps. When podzimny sowing the seedlings appear in late May and early June. Easy to culture (Takeda, 1938).11)
Campanula chamissonis 18.00/p.10, 130.00/p.100 Campanulaceae12)Roots
Perennial low (5-10 cm) plant with a thin cylindrical rhizome. 13)
- Campanula chamissonis var. albiflora
20.00/p.10, 150.00/p.100 Campanulaceae14)
- Campanula chamissonis var. oyobeni

* Campanula chamissonis Oyobei 18.00/p.10, Campanulaceae15)
- Campanula chamissonis var. shakotana
* Campanula chamissonis Shakotana 18.00/p.10, Campanulaceae16)
It grows on rocky and sandy areas of sea coasts (Kuril Islands) and on stony ground highlands (Sakhalin). Mzopsihrofit. In SahKNII since 1965, growing out in the open on the ridges of the first portion. Easy to culture (Takeda, 1938).17)
In SahKNII since 1965, growing out in the open on the ridges of the first portion. Good growing, forming a continuous carpet Small rosette of leaves almost invisible because of large flowers. It grows in late April. Blooms in late June-early July, blooms for a month. The seeds ripen in August. He goes into the winter with green rosettes. Easily propagated by seed or by dividing the clumps. When podzimny sowing the seedlings appear in late May and early June. Easy to culture (Takeda, 1938). Prospective plant for stony gardens. Needs in an open area drained, light soil and regular moisturizing.18)
East Siberia, north Japan, Kurile and Aleutian Island.
Gravelly and sandy alpine slopes; Hokkaido, Honshu(centr. and n. distr.). - Kuriles, Sakhalin, Aleutians, and Alaska.On Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands. The area north of the Pacific such as: Russia (Sakhalin and Moneron rare; Kurils - usually all the islands except Ushishir and Matua, Kamchatka, Commander Islands), the Aleutian Islands, Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu). It grows on rocky and sandy areas of sea coasts (Kuril Islands) and on stony ground highlands (Sakhalin). Mzopsihrofit. In SahKNII since 1965, growing out in the open on the ridges of the first portion. 19)
Je domácí na Dálném Vychodé a v Kanadé a má listy cárkovité podlouhlé.20)