Campanula biebersteiniana
synoniem: Campanula tridentata, synonym Campanula tridens ?? 1). synoniem: Campanula tridentata Schreb. = Campanula biebersteiniana Roem. & Schult. (ssp.) = Campanula tridens Rupr. = Hemisphaera tridentata (Schreb.) Kolak. The height of flower stalks (from Campanula kryophila) ranges from 8-10 cm. to 15 cm., depending on the height n. y. m., slope and sodding substrate. At low altitudes, the bell has a small tubular flower and all the signs etiolation, and thus, as it were disguised as types and Campanula ciliata Campanula biebersteiniana, with whom to form a local group sod convex slopes.Text V.I.Kobauri2)
Groeit van april tot oktober, bloeit vanaf mei in de loop van 20 dagen. Overvloed aan bloemen en zaaddozen. Hoogte 10-15 cm. Vaak begint een tweede bloeiperiode in juli-augustus. Voortplanting d.m.v. zaad. Zaaien aan begin van de winter. Begint te bloeien in het tweede jaar. Dekoratief.3)
Perennial plant, forming small turf, with thin stems ending single flower. Plant height at flowering to 20 cm after flowering - 10 cm. It blooms in June 20-35 days. The root of the species Campanula kryophila stem, thickened at the base of outlets has beet coloring and quickly branched in the substrate than the root resembles Campanula biebersteiniana, indicating a kinship. And here it is more reminiscent of a flower Campanula ciliata, especially at lower turf-covered slopes. Text V.I.Kobauri.4)Leaves
Female leaves oblanceolate, spatulate, gradually tapering into petiole, laterally leaves entire, at the top with three teeth, of which the bell got its name. 5)
Groeit van april tot oktober, bloeit vanaf mei in de loop van 20 dagen. Overvloed aan bloemen en zaaddozen. Vaak begint een tweede bloeiperiode in juli-augustus. Begint te bloeien in het tweede jaar.6)
Perennial plant, with thin stems ending single flower. Plant height at flowering to 20 cm after flowering - 10 cm. It blooms in June 20-35 days. Dark purple flowers up to 4 cm in diameter, single. 7)Fruit
Zaden in juli. Overvloed aan bloemen en zaaddozen. Voortplanting d.m.v. zaad. Zaaien aan begin van de winter.8)
“From the above, this type (Campanula kryophila) is the highest in the Caucasus, competing within the altitude range only Campanula biebersteiniana”.9)
Zaden en levende planten verzameld in 1957 in Krasnodansk Kp, Nalij Krasno Poljan, in de Eubalpine weide, en in 1966 in Dagestan, in de alpenweiden van de bergpas Koekmadag-West-Kaspische zee.10)
* Campanula biebersteiniana var. macrantha
He needs a humus-rich land and the location of the slope away from the sun.11)