



Campanula nitida



Synonym Campanula persicifolia

Campanula lasiocarpa x Campanula nitida = ? polyploid or triploid progeny

Campanula nitida var. alba - Foto Herman Berteler
Campanula nitida var. alba - Foto Herman Berteler

Casté jsou i nejasnosti kolem zvonku oznacovaného C. nitida Ait. ci C. planiflora Lam., ktery je casto povazovany za druh zvonku ze Sverní Ameriky. Podarilo se nám prokázat, ze je to kultivar druhu C. persicifolia L., pro ktery navrhujeme kultivarové oznacení 'Dwarf'. Nékolikrát jsme vyseli semena tohoto zvonku, a to i z izolovanych rostlin a vzdy se ve vysevu objevily exempláre 'normálního' zvonku broskvolistého - C. persicifolia.1)


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A distinct little American species, with leaves in small rosettes, and having their edges frilled. The flowers are in spikes and like isophylla in shape. It is found in the blue and in white, and both single and double. Height six inches. Division in the spring is the best mode of propagation.2)


Flower measuring, between 40 - 50mm (1 1/2 - 2 in.)3)

Campanula nitida - left under, Alpina Research, bulletin vol.3, nr.3, page 12


Seed available, in small quantity. Species actually grown or used for breeding 4)


* Campanula nitida var. alba

Species actually grown or used for breeding.
The cross is numbered AR 285 C. The parents are:
* First Cross: Campanula rotundifolia forma heterodoxa x seedling mutant no. 285 (an offspring giving a corolla with up to 25patals).
* Second Cross: The resulting offspring;: seedling no. AR 285 M was crossed with Campanula nitida alba.
* Yielding: no. AR 285 C, which appears on the front cover.5)
Plant: between 15-25cm high, upright stem.
Flower: color: white. Corolla: saucer-shaped, 45-52mm wide, star-shape, petals: (5)usually 6(to 8), smooth.
Pistil: 4-5-6-fid, chartreuse.
Calyx: 4mm wide,8mm long.
Corolla tube: smooth.

* Campanula nitida var. caerulea

Seed available, in small quantity. Species actually grown or used for breeding 6)

* Campanula nitida var.coerulea plena

Orig 004837-0117-72 Locn 1A EU, rec: PLNT: 1ab: 1, ayr: 72 7)


In the cross-fertilization process, you may find that:

  • 6. If nothing works, try a reverse cross. Some sterility or seed development barriers are present. Campanula nitida, being polyploid, is a good example of this phenomena.8)

The cross is numbered AR 285 C. The parents are:
* First Cross: Campanula rotundifolia forma heterodoxa x seedling mutant no. 285 (an offspring giving a corolla with up to 25patals).
* Second Cross: The resulting offspring;: seedling no. AR 285 M was crossed with Campanula nitida alba.
* Yielding: no. AR 285 C, which appears on the front cover.9)

A promising Campanula Hybrid - Alpina Research, bulletin vol.3, nr.3, page 13

4) , 5) , 6) , 8) , 9)
campanula/nitida.txt · Laatst gewijzigd: 2023/04/23 10:26 door Herman H. Berteler