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campanula:isophylla [2017/10/29 15:04] – aangemaakt - Externe bewerking [2023/03/27 17:16] – [Breeding] Herman H. Berteler
Regel 7: Regel 7:
 Moretti (1824) Moretti (1824)
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 Section VI: //Elatines// Wohlf. (1895)(( :ref:adrianofiori01 )) Section VI: //Elatines// Wohlf. (1895)(( :ref:adrianofiori01 ))
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-Synonym: Campanula floribunda Viv. (1824, serius)(( :ref:adrianofiori01 ))+ 
 +Synonym: //Campanula floribunda// Viv. (1824, serius)(( :ref:adrianofiori01 ))
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 [{{:campanula:tn_c.isophylla.jpg?300|Campanula isophylla - Foto and drawing Herman Berteler}}] [{{:campanula:tn_c.isophylla.jpg?300|Campanula isophylla - Foto and drawing Herman Berteler}}]
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 //Campanula lasiocarpa// x //Campanula isophylla// = ? alpine-type hanging plant. //Campanula lasiocarpa// x //Campanula isophylla// = ? alpine-type hanging plant.
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-//Campanula isophylla// is a long-day plant (Heide, 1965) which is propagated by means of cuttings derived from vegetatively-growing stock plants. By giving the stock plants short days during the summer months, propagation can start in the fall and continue throughout the winter. In order to obtain a high yield of cuttings, the stock plants must be illuminated and given a suitable temperature. An improved cutting production may be obtained by CO2 enrichment of the greenhouse atmosphere(( :ref:roarmoe3 )).+ 
 +//Campanula isophylla// is a long-day plant (Heide, 1965) which is propagated by means of cuttings derived from vegetatively-growing stock plants. By giving the stock plants short days during the summer months, propagation can start in the fall and continue throughout the winter. 
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 +In order to obtain a high yield of cuttings, the stock plants must be illuminated and given a suitable temperature. An improved cutting production may be obtained by CO2 enrichment of the greenhouse atmosphere(( :ref:roarmoe3 )).
 +===== Twitter =====
 +For regular additions, follow via Twitter **@Klokjesbloem** {}[{{:twitter.png?50|}}]
 ===== Names ===== ===== Names =====
 Italian Bells, Star-of-Bethlehem, Falling-Stars, Bethlehem Bells, Bethlehemster of Ster van Bethlehem. Italian Bells, Star-of-Bethlehem, Falling-Stars, Bethlehem Bells, Bethlehemster of Ster van Bethlehem.
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 ===== Habitus ===== ===== Habitus =====
 Ha foglie tutte della medesima grandezza, cuoriformi-ovate, lungamente picciolate. Il fusto, flessuoso ed angoloso, e originato dirattamente da un rizoma legnoso ed e alto da 10 a 40cm.(( :ref:gnicolini01 )) Ha foglie tutte della medesima grandezza, cuoriformi-ovate, lungamente picciolate. Il fusto, flessuoso ed angoloso, e originato dirattamente da un rizoma legnoso ed e alto da 10 a 40cm.(( :ref:gnicolini01 ))
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 Altezza: cm. 10-15. E una specie erbacea perenne, non rustica. E una pianta molto bella e di generosa fioritura, con piccoli fiori a forma di campanula bianchi o azzurri. Ha portamento quasi prostrato e strisciante.(( :ref:ippolitopizzetti01 ))  Altezza: cm. 10-15. E una specie erbacea perenne, non rustica. E una pianta molto bella e di generosa fioritura, con piccoli fiori a forma di campanula bianchi o azzurri. Ha portamento quasi prostrato e strisciante.(( :ref:ippolitopizzetti01 )) 
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 Perenni. Piante alpine, alte 5-15cm., a fusti 1 (rr. 2-4)-flori. Pianta pubescente, a rz. legnosetto, a fusti cespugliosi, con rami patenti (1-2dm.)( :ref:adrianofiori01 )) Perenni. Piante alpine, alte 5-15cm., a fusti 1 (rr. 2-4)-flori. Pianta pubescente, a rz. legnosetto, a fusti cespugliosi, con rami patenti (1-2dm.)( :ref:adrianofiori01 ))
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 //Campanula fragilis// - Altezza: cm. 1-12. E abbastanza simile alla //Campanula isophylla//, ma piu piccola, piu aggraziata, con fusti e rami piu prostrati.(( :ref:ippolitopizzetti01 ))  //Campanula fragilis// - Altezza: cm. 1-12. E abbastanza simile alla //Campanula isophylla//, ma piu piccola, piu aggraziata, con fusti e rami piu prostrati.(( :ref:ippolitopizzetti01 )) 
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 Glabrous or grayish-pubescent perennial, stems slender, trailing. Rosette-like plant forming many lateral shoots during the vegetative stage of growth.In its natural habitat the shoots start to elongate and produce a 20-40cm tall flowering plant in June-July (( :ref:roarmoe6 )). Glabrous or grayish-pubescent perennial, stems slender, trailing. Rosette-like plant forming many lateral shoots during the vegetative stage of growth.In its natural habitat the shoots start to elongate and produce a 20-40cm tall flowering plant in June-July (( :ref:roarmoe6 )).
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 The species has upright to decumbent or hanging, branched shoots bearing flowers solitary on bracted branchlets at the end of the stems (( :ref:roarmoe6 )). The species has upright to decumbent or hanging, branched shoots bearing flowers solitary on bracted branchlets at the end of the stems (( :ref:roarmoe6 )).
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 Kleine, meist rasenbildende Arten mit traubigen, meist wenigblutigen Blutenstanden. (( :ref:aengler01 ))  Kleine, meist rasenbildende Arten mit traubigen, meist wenigblutigen Blutenstanden. (( :ref:aengler01 )) 
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 ===== Leaves ===== ===== Leaves =====
 Ha foglie tutte della medesima grandezza, cuoriformi-ovate, lungamente picciolate. (( :ref:gnicolini01 )) Ha foglie tutte della medesima grandezza, cuoriformi-ovate, lungamente picciolate. (( :ref:gnicolini01 ))
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 Fg. tutte della stessa grandezza (eccett. le Florali), cuoriformi-ovali e lungam. picciolate. Fg. acutam. ed un po'inegualm. dentate.( :ref:adrianofiori01 )) Fg. tutte della stessa grandezza (eccett. le Florali), cuoriformi-ovali e lungam. picciolate. Fg. acutam. ed un po'inegualm. dentate.( :ref:adrianofiori01 ))
Regel 46: Regel 69:
 Lower leaves long-petioled, broadly cordate-ovate, to 1 ½ in. long, deeply serrate, upper leaves often more lanceolate. Lower leaves long-petioled, broadly cordate-ovate, to 1 ½ in. long, deeply serrate, upper leaves often more lanceolate.
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 The leaf shape varies from shortly cordate in 'Alba' to cordate in the blue-flowered cultivar(( :ref:roarmoe6 )). The leaf shape varies from shortly cordate in 'Alba' to cordate in the blue-flowered cultivar(( :ref:roarmoe6 )).
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 ===== Flowers ===== ===== Flowers =====
 Fiorisce da giugno ad ottobre. La pianta ha aspetto cespuglioso, con rami patenti e fiori a calice con lobi acuminati. Le corolle, a forma di scodella, hanno lobi largamente ovali e colore azzurro-violaceo.(( :ref:gnicolini01 )) Fiorisce da giugno ad ottobre. La pianta ha aspetto cespuglioso, con rami patenti e fiori a calice con lobi acuminati. Le corolle, a forma di scodella, hanno lobi largamente ovali e colore azzurro-violaceo.(( :ref:gnicolini01 ))
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 Fioritura: VI-VII. E una pianta molto bella e di generosa fioritura, con piccoli fiori a forma di campanula bianchi o azzurri.(( :ref:ippolitopizzetti01 ))  Fioritura: VI-VII. E una pianta molto bella e di generosa fioritura, con piccoli fiori a forma di campanula bianchi o azzurri.(( :ref:ippolitopizzetti01 )) 
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-Giu.-Ott. Fi. in pannocchia corimbosa. Calice a lobi lanceolato-acuminati, interi o con 1-2 denti. Corolla azzurro-violacea, fatta a scodella, a lobi largam, ovali.( :ref:adrianofiori01 )) 
 +Giu.-Ott. Fi. in pannocchia corimbosa. Calice a lobi lanceolato-acuminati, interi o con 1-2 denti. Corolla azzurro-violacea, fatta a scodella, a lobi largam, ovali.( :ref:adrianofiori01 ))
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 Flower measuring,between 15 - 25mm (5/8 to 1 inch.)(( :ref:alpinaresearch02 ))  Flower measuring,between 15 - 25mm (5/8 to 1 inch.)(( :ref:alpinaresearch02 )) 
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 June - July, numerous flowers, erect, many in short, corymbose panicles, calyx without appendages, corolla violet-blue, grayish toward the center, to 1-1 ½ in. across, rotate-campanulate. June - July, numerous flowers, erect, many in short, corymbose panicles, calyx without appendages, corolla violet-blue, grayish toward the center, to 1-1 ½ in. across, rotate-campanulate.
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 The wild growing species has pale blue flowers.  The wild growing species has pale blue flowers. 
 Flowers usually have a five-lobed corolla, but occasionally 6-lobed flowers occur in the blue-flowered cultivar **'Bla'**.  Flowers usually have a five-lobed corolla, but occasionally 6-lobed flowers occur in the blue-flowered cultivar **'Bla'**. 
Regel 76: Regel 105:
 Kapsel nahe am Grunde aufspringend (Hangende Kapseln springen meist nahe am Grunde, aufrechte nahe den Kelchb. auf. Man kann daher im Allgemeinen die Art des Aufspringens aus der Stellung der verbluhten Bl. erschliessen, besonders wenn diese gestielt sind.) Sect. I //Medium// Tourn. (als Gatt.). B. //Triloculares//. Kapsel 3facherig (seltener bei ein- und derselben Art hier und da auch 5facherig) (( :ref:aengler01 ))  Kapsel nahe am Grunde aufspringend (Hangende Kapseln springen meist nahe am Grunde, aufrechte nahe den Kelchb. auf. Man kann daher im Allgemeinen die Art des Aufspringens aus der Stellung der verbluhten Bl. erschliessen, besonders wenn diese gestielt sind.) Sect. I //Medium// Tourn. (als Gatt.). B. //Triloculares//. Kapsel 3facherig (seltener bei ein- und derselben Art hier und da auch 5facherig) (( :ref:aengler01 )) 
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 ===== Varieties ===== ===== Varieties =====
-Campanula isophylla var. **alba** 
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- Species actually grown or used for breeding (( :ref:alpinaresearch03 ))+ 
 +* //Campanula isophylla// var. **alba** - Species actually grown or used for breeding (( :ref:alpinaresearch03 ))
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-Campanula isophylla var. **floro-pleno** + 
-{clear} +* //Campanula isophylla// var. **floro-pleno** Species actually grown or used for breeding (( :ref:alpinaresearch03 ))
-Species actually grown or used for breeding (( :ref:alpinaresearch03 ))+
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 ===== Cultivars ===== ===== Cultivars =====
   * //Campanula isophylla// cv. **'Alba'** - See also //Campanula Isophylla// cv. **'Atlanta White'**   * //Campanula isophylla// cv. **'Alba'** - See also //Campanula Isophylla// cv. **'Atlanta White'**
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Regel 93: Regel 123:
 A white-flowered form **var. alba** or maybe a selection from this is cultivated as **'Alba'**(( :ref:roarmoe6 )). A white-flowered form **var. alba** or maybe a selection from this is cultivated as **'Alba'**(( :ref:roarmoe6 )).
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- +The white flowering cultivar //Campanula isophylla// cv '**Alba**' and a blue flowering cultivar called //Campanula isophylla// cv '**Bla**', are mainly used. To some extent the blue flowering //Campanula isophylla// cv '**Mayii**' is cultivated.
-The white flowering cultivar //Campanula isophylla// cv //'Alba'// and a blue flowering cultivar called //Campanula isophylla// cv //'Bla'//, are mainly used. To some extent the blue flowering //Campanula isophylla// cv //'Mayii'// is cultivated.+
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-  * //Campanula isophylla// Moretti cv. **'Alba'** 1298-44. Fr.: //Campanule//, Ang.: //Bellflower//. ID/H.T. 16-6-45. Arr.: //Campanula isophylla// Par.: J. Rousseau, De: Félícité Leclerc, Ile aux Coudres, 16-11-44. Descr.: 1 plante. 1. Serre 1, 1 - 1/5-12-44; 2. couche fr. 5, 5 boutures - 20-10-45; 3. serre  - 26-12-45; 4. couche fr. 5, 7 8-10-46; serre fr. 1, 2 (a ;étre rejetées), 10-3-47; 5. couche fr. 5, 1, 6-10-47, serre 1, 1 panier; 6. serre 1, 1 panier, 3-1-49, 7. serre 1, 1 panier - verso 25-1-50, 8. serre 1, 1 panier, 25-1-50, 9. serre 1, 1 panier, 4-12-51(( :ref:MontrealJardinbotanique01 ))+  * //Campanula isophylla// Moretti cv. **'Alba'** 1298-44. Fr.: //Campanule//, Ang.: //Bellflower//. ID/H.T. 16-6-45. Arr.: //Campanula isophylla// Par.: J. Rousseau, De: Félícité Leclerc, Ile aux Coudres, 16-11-44. Descr.: 1 plante. 1. Serre 1, 1 - 1/5-12-44; 2. couche fr. 5, 5 boutures - 20-10-45; 3. serre  - 26-12-45; 4. couche fr. 5, 7 8-10-46; serre fr. 1, 2 (a ;étre rejetées), 10-3-47; 5. couche fr. 5, 1, 6-10-47, serre 1, 1 panier; 6. serre 1, 1 panier, 3-1-49, 7. serre 1, 1 panier - verso 25-1-50, 8. serre 1, 1 panier, 25-1-50, 9. serre 1, 1 panier, 4-12-51.(( :ref:MontrealJardinbotanique01 ))
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   * //Campanula Isophylla// cv. **'Atlanta White'** also known as //Campanula Isophylla// **Alba**.   * //Campanula Isophylla// cv. **'Atlanta White'** also known as //Campanula Isophylla// **Alba**.
 [{{:campanula:ten_have_plant:cam_atlanta_white_180.jpg?275|Campanula Isophylla 'Atlanta White' - Photographer: Ten Have Plant.}}] [{{:campanula:ten_have_plant:cam_atlanta_white_180.jpg?275|Campanula Isophylla 'Atlanta White' - Photographer: Ten Have Plant.}}]
-[{{:campanula:ten_have_plant:con_atlante_field.jpg?275|Campanula Isophylla 'Atlanta White' - In field basket - Potographer: Ten Have Plant.}}]{clear}+[{{:campanula:ten_have_plant:con_atlante_field.jpg?275|Campanula Isophylla 'Atlanta White' - In field basket - Potographer: Ten Have Plant.}}] 
-A single, large-flowering //Campanula// with a white flower. Traditionally, the //Campanula Isophylla// family is the house plant among the Campanula. The //Isophylla// varieties are also well suited for balconies and patios. The natural flowering period outdoors is from May to September – a real spring and summer plant! Number: VBN 104648. Height: 20 – 25 cm, pot 11 cm.(( :ref:TenHavePlant01 ))+A single, large-flowering //Campanula// with a white flower. Traditionally, the //Campanula Isophylla// family is the house plant among the //Campanula//. The //Isophylla// varieties are also well suited for balconies and patios. The natural flowering period outdoors is from May to September – a real spring and summer plant! Number: VBN 104648. Height: 20 – 25 cm, pot 11 cm.(( :ref:TenHavePlant01 )) 
 +  * //Campanula Isophylla// cv. **'Balchiniana'** - is like the type, but with silver variegated leaves. It is, I believe, the only variegated-leafed //Campanula//. It was raised from seed by Mr. Mitten, of Hurstpierpoint, from a cross made between the type and its white-flowered form, and this was the only plant that appeared. The stock passed into Messrs. Balchin's hands for distribution.(( :ref:prichard-maurice01 ))
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   * //Campanula Isophylla// cv. **'Berlin Bicolor'**   * //Campanula Isophylla// cv. **'Berlin Bicolor'**
 [{{:campanula:ten_have_plant:cam_berlin_bicolor_430.jpg?275|Campanula Isophylla 'Berlin Bicolor' - Photographer: Ten Have Plant.}}] [{{:campanula:ten_have_plant:cam_berlin_bicolor_430.jpg?275|Campanula Isophylla 'Berlin Bicolor' - Photographer: Ten Have Plant.}}]
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 A single, large-flowering //Campanula// with a blue flower with white heart. Traditionally, the //Campanula Isophylla// family is the house plant among the //Campanula//. The //Isophylla// varieties are also well suited for balconies and patios. The natural flowering period outdoors is from May to September – a real spring and summer plant! Number: VBN 104649. Height: 20 – 25 cm.(( :ref:TenHavePlant01 )) A single, large-flowering //Campanula// with a blue flower with white heart. Traditionally, the //Campanula Isophylla// family is the house plant among the //Campanula//. The //Isophylla// varieties are also well suited for balconies and patios. The natural flowering period outdoors is from May to September – a real spring and summer plant! Number: VBN 104649. Height: 20 – 25 cm.(( :ref:TenHavePlant01 ))
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- +  * //Campanula isophylla// cv. **Blue Kristal**. Propagation is usually done by to cuttings from vegetatively growing stock plants. Recently, seeds of blue (**'Blue Kristal'**) and a white-flowered (**'White Kristal'**) cultivars of //Campanula isophylla// hybrids have been introduced.(( :ref:roarmoe6 )).
-  * //Campanula isophylla// cv. **Blue Kristal**. Propagation is usually done by to cuttings from vegetatively growing stock plants. Recently, seeds of blue (**'Blue Kristal'**) and a white-flowered (**'White Kristal'**) cultivars of //Campanula isophylla// hybrids have been introduced (( :ref:roarmoe6 )).+
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-  * //Campanula isophylla// cv **‘Caerulea’** flowers blue+  * //Campanula isophylla// cv **‘Caerulea’** flowers blue.
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   * //Campanula Isophylla// cv. **'Dublin Bicolor'**   * //Campanula Isophylla// cv. **'Dublin Bicolor'**
 [{{:campanula:ten_have_plant:161-292x300.jpg?275|Campanula Isophylla 'Dublin Bicolor' - Photographer: Ten Have Plant.}}] [{{:campanula:ten_have_plant:161-292x300.jpg?275|Campanula Isophylla 'Dublin Bicolor' - Photographer: Ten Have Plant.}}]
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Regel 126: Regel 162:
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 + * //Campanula Isophylla// cv. **'Dublin Blue'**
-  * //Campanula Isophylla// cv. **'Dublin Blue'** 
 [{{:campanula:ten_have_plant:cam_dublin_blue_180.jpg?275|Campanula Isophylla 'Dublin Blue' - Photographer: Ten Have Plant.}}] [{{:campanula:ten_have_plant:cam_dublin_blue_180.jpg?275|Campanula Isophylla 'Dublin Blue' - Photographer: Ten Have Plant.}}]
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 A double, large-flowering //Campanula// with a blue flower. Traditionally, the //Campanula Isophylla// family is the house plant among the //Campanula//. The //Isophylla// varieties are also well suited for balconies and patios. The natural flowering period outdoors is from May to September – a real spring and summer plant! Number: VBN 102195. Height: 20 – 25 cm in 11 cm pot.(( :ref:TenHavePlant01 )) A double, large-flowering //Campanula// with a blue flower. Traditionally, the //Campanula Isophylla// family is the house plant among the //Campanula//. The //Isophylla// varieties are also well suited for balconies and patios. The natural flowering period outdoors is from May to September – a real spring and summer plant! Number: VBN 102195. Height: 20 – 25 cm in 11 cm pot.(( :ref:TenHavePlant01 ))
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   * //Campanula Isophylla// cv. **'Dublin White'**   * //Campanula Isophylla// cv. **'Dublin White'**
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 [{{:campanula:ten_have_plant:cam_dublin_white_1801.jpg?275|Campanula Isophylla 'Dublin White' - Photographer: Ten Have Plant.}}] [{{:campanula:ten_have_plant:cam_dublin_white_1801.jpg?275|Campanula Isophylla 'Dublin White' - Photographer: Ten Have Plant.}}]
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 A double, large-flowering //Campanula// with a white flower. Traditionally, the //Campanula Isophylla// family is the house plant among the //Campanula//. The //Isophylla// varieties are also well suited for balconies and patios. The natural flowering period outdoors is from May to September – a real spring and summer plant! Number: VBN 102196. Height: 20 – 25 cm in 11 cm pot.(( :ref:TenHavePlant01 )) A double, large-flowering //Campanula// with a white flower. Traditionally, the //Campanula Isophylla// family is the house plant among the //Campanula//. The //Isophylla// varieties are also well suited for balconies and patios. The natural flowering period outdoors is from May to September – a real spring and summer plant! Number: VBN 102196. Height: 20 – 25 cm in 11 cm pot.(( :ref:TenHavePlant01 ))
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Regel 146: Regel 182:
 All make excellent basket plants. All make excellent basket plants.
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   * //Campanula isophylla// Moretti cv. **'Mayi'** 1337-44. De: Wm. Norsch & Son, Maplewood, Oregon, 18-12-44. Descr.: 2 plantes.(( :ref:MontrealJardinbotanique01 ))   * //Campanula isophylla// Moretti cv. **'Mayi'** 1337-44. De: Wm. Norsch & Son, Maplewood, Oregon, 18-12-44. Descr.: 2 plantes.(( :ref:MontrealJardinbotanique01 ))
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 +A very beautiful one brought to our notice two years ago: it appears to be quite hardy.(( :ref:prichard-maurice01 ))
   * //Campanula isophylla// cv. **'Napoli'**   * //Campanula isophylla// cv. **'Napoli'**
 [{{:campanula:ten_have_plant:cam_napoli_blue_180.jpg?275|Campanula Isophylla 'Napoli' - Photographer: Ten Have Plant.}}] [{{:campanula:ten_have_plant:cam_napoli_blue_180.jpg?275|Campanula Isophylla 'Napoli' - Photographer: Ten Have Plant.}}]
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 A single, large-flowering //Campanula// with a blue/purple flower. Traditionally, the //Campanula Isophylla// family is the house plant among the //Campanula//. The //Isophylla// varieties are also well suited for balconies and patios. The natural flowering period outdoors is from May to September – a real spring and summer plant! Number: VBN 16710. Height: 20 – 25 cm in 11 cm pot.(( :ref:TenHavePlant01 )) A single, large-flowering //Campanula// with a blue/purple flower. Traditionally, the //Campanula Isophylla// family is the house plant among the //Campanula//. The //Isophylla// varieties are also well suited for balconies and patios. The natural flowering period outdoors is from May to September – a real spring and summer plant! Number: VBN 16710. Height: 20 – 25 cm in 11 cm pot.(( :ref:TenHavePlant01 ))
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   * //Campanula isophylla// cv. **'Norsk'** or **'Bla'** - flowers blue. This cultivar has darker blue flowers and better growth than **'Mayi'**(( :ref:roarmoe6 )).   * //Campanula isophylla// cv. **'Norsk'** or **'Bla'** - flowers blue. This cultivar has darker blue flowers and better growth than **'Mayi'**(( :ref:roarmoe6 )).
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   * //Campanula isophylla// cv. **White Kristal**. Propagation is usually done by to cuttings from vegetatively growing stock plants. Recently, seeds of blue (**'Blue Kristal'**) and a white-flowered (**'White Kristal'**) cultivars of //Campanula isophylla// hybrids have been introduced (( :ref:roarmoe6 )).   * //Campanula isophylla// cv. **White Kristal**. Propagation is usually done by to cuttings from vegetatively growing stock plants. Recently, seeds of blue (**'Blue Kristal'**) and a white-flowered (**'White Kristal'**) cultivars of //Campanula isophylla// hybrids have been introduced (( :ref:roarmoe6 )).
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 ===== Living ===== ===== Living =====
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 +A highly decorative but tender prostrate species, said to be found on one rock only on a promontory on the west coast of Italy. (( :ref:prichard-maurice01 ))
 ca. 300 years to find in the fields of Asia and Europe(( :ref:roarmoe1 )). ca. 300 years to find in the fields of Asia and Europe(( :ref:roarmoe1 )).
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 Originally a wild growing perennial in the Italian Alps. Has become an important pot plant in the Scandinavian countries. All make excellent basket plants. Originally a wild growing perennial in the Italian Alps. Has become an important pot plant in the Scandinavian countries. All make excellent basket plants.
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 //Campanula isophylla// Moretti is a long day plant (Heide, 1965), and by means of long day treatment flowering pot plants are obtained in early spring (March-April). By giving the stock plants short days during the summer months, propagation can start in the fall and continue throughout the winter. //Campanula isophylla// Moretti is a long day plant (Heide, 1965), and by means of long day treatment flowering pot plants are obtained in early spring (March-April). By giving the stock plants short days during the summer months, propagation can start in the fall and continue throughout the winter.
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 It is important to use cuttings from vegetatively growing stock plants in order to obtain a satisfactory rooting(( :ref:roarmoe3 )). It is important to use cuttings from vegetatively growing stock plants in order to obtain a satisfactory rooting(( :ref:roarmoe3 )).
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 Vuole terreno poroso, calcareo, non troppo ricco.(( :ref:ippolitopizzetti01 ))  Vuole terreno poroso, calcareo, non troppo ricco.(( :ref:ippolitopizzetti01 )) 
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 ===== Origin ===== ===== Origin =====
 E uno dei piu importanti endemismi della Liguria nascendo solamente sulle rocce di Capo Noli dove. E certamente l'endemismo piu noto del panorama vegetale ligure limitato alla zona attorno al Capo Noli, Varigotti e alla Caprazzoppa. Assieme alla //Campanula sabatia//, la //"Campanula di Liguria"// - constituisce uno dei preziosi reperti naturalistici da custodire con gelosa cura. (( :ref:gnicolini01 )) E uno dei piu importanti endemismi della Liguria nascendo solamente sulle rocce di Capo Noli dove. E certamente l'endemismo piu noto del panorama vegetale ligure limitato alla zona attorno al Capo Noli, Varigotti e alla Caprazzoppa. Assieme alla //Campanula sabatia//, la //"Campanula di Liguria"// - constituisce uno dei preziosi reperti naturalistici da custodire con gelosa cura. (( :ref:gnicolini01 ))
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 Originaria dell'Italia e precisamente della Liguria occidentale; si incontra molto raramente in cultura. (( :ref:ippolitopizzetti01 ))  Originaria dell'Italia e precisamente della Liguria occidentale; si incontra molto raramente in cultura. (( :ref:ippolitopizzetti01 )) 
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 Italy, North Italian Alps, Riviera.  Italy, North Italian Alps, Riviera. 
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 Rupi calcari: Lig. occ. al Capo di Noli, Caprazoppa, Verezzi e Varigotti; 2. (Endem.)( :ref:adrianofiori01 )) Rupi calcari: Lig. occ. al Capo di Noli, Caprazoppa, Verezzi e Varigotti; 2. (Endem.)( :ref:adrianofiori01 ))
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 ===== Breeding ===== ===== Breeding =====
 +The whole of the //isophylla// group are easily struck from the young growing tops. Any light soil seems to suit these //isophylla// hybrids, but they must not be considered any hardier than the type.(( :ref:prichard-maurice01 ))
 The production of cuttings will be influenced by temperature, light intensity and CO2 supply. Cuttings are about 4cm and have 5-6 visible leaves after the lowest 2-3 leaves are been removed. After 3 weeks the rooted cuttings can be planted in pots. The production of cuttings will be influenced by temperature, light intensity and CO2 supply. Cuttings are about 4cm and have 5-6 visible leaves after the lowest 2-3 leaves are been removed. After 3 weeks the rooted cuttings can be planted in pots.
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 Increasing light intensity and CO2, supply strongly promoted cutting production and increased both fresh and dry weight of the cuttings. These factors also markedly influenced root formation and root growth of the cuttings. Stock plant conditions also strongly influenced the growth and lateral shoot formation of the rooted cuttings. It is concluded that cuttings from stock plants grown under favourable light (10 Klx) and CO2 conditions (900 v.p.m.) contain factors beneficial for toot formation, growth and shoot formation. The results are discussed in relation to the carbohydrate content of the cuttings(( :ref:roarmoe3 )). Increasing light intensity and CO2, supply strongly promoted cutting production and increased both fresh and dry weight of the cuttings. These factors also markedly influenced root formation and root growth of the cuttings. Stock plant conditions also strongly influenced the growth and lateral shoot formation of the rooted cuttings. It is concluded that cuttings from stock plants grown under favourable light (10 Klx) and CO2 conditions (900 v.p.m.) contain factors beneficial for toot formation, growth and shoot formation. The results are discussed in relation to the carbohydrate content of the cuttings(( :ref:roarmoe3 )).
 The process of root formation and factors affecting the rooting of cuttings are of great horticultural importance. A number of factors affect the rooting procedure. Auxin is the most active hormone (Went, 1934; Van Overbeek and Gregory, 1945), and the effect of auxin is dependent on the light conditions (Olieman-van der Meer et al., 1971; Nanda et al., 1968). These authors als showed that rooting was stimulated by sucrose. Van Overbeek et al. (1946) demonstrated that sucrose and NH4 in the presence of auxin could fulfill the same function as the leaves in root formation in cuttings of //Hibiscus//. A high concentration of carbohydrate stimulated the rooting(( :ref:ehaaland1 )). The process of root formation and factors affecting the rooting of cuttings are of great horticultural importance. A number of factors affect the rooting procedure. Auxin is the most active hormone (Went, 1934; Van Overbeek and Gregory, 1945), and the effect of auxin is dependent on the light conditions (Olieman-van der Meer et al., 1971; Nanda et al., 1968). These authors als showed that rooting was stimulated by sucrose. Van Overbeek et al. (1946) demonstrated that sucrose and NH4 in the presence of auxin could fulfill the same function as the leaves in root formation in cuttings of //Hibiscus//. A high concentration of carbohydrate stimulated the rooting(( :ref:ehaaland1 )).
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-===== Beneficial =====+===== Use ===== 
 +I find it hardy only in vertical crevices in a limestone wall like rockery; autumn rains seem to destroy all its vigour. The late Mr. Atkins used to grow it well on the open rockery in limestone soil at his elevated garden in the Cotswold Hills twenty years ago. The white form has now got extensively into cultivation as a hanging or basket plant, and is absolutely the best plant ever used for this purpose.(( :ref:prichard-maurice01 ))
 Le piantine o i semi di molte altre //Campanule// nostrane entrate in commercio: la famosa //Campanula isophylla// consigliata per vasi e terrine sospese. (( :ref:gnicolini01 )) Le piantine o i semi di molte altre //Campanule// nostrane entrate in commercio: la famosa //Campanula isophylla// consigliata per vasi e terrine sospese. (( :ref:gnicolini01 ))
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 Meglio coltivata come pianta da vaso, piuttosto che in giardino, talvolta usata anche come pianta da appartamento. All'aperto e adatta per il giardino roccioso o per essere coltivata nei muri o in cestini, in posizioni calde e soleggiate.(( :ref:ippolitopizzetti01 ))  Meglio coltivata come pianta da vaso, piuttosto che in giardino, talvolta usata anche come pianta da appartamento. All'aperto e adatta per il giardino roccioso o per essere coltivata nei muri o in cestini, in posizioni calde e soleggiate.(( :ref:ippolitopizzetti01 )) 
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 Come si coltiva. La //Campanula// non e generalmente un fiore difficile da coltivare. Essendo originaria delle zone temperate dell'emisfero boreale, dove cresce su terreni freschi o umidi di regioni in prevalenza montane, richiede, oltre a un'esposizione luminosa e non troppo soleggiata, le stesse condizioni ambientali: il terreno, fatta eccezione per qualche specie, deve contenere una certa percentuale di calcio. Questo non significa che le //Campanula// non si possano coltivare magnificamente anche su un terrazzo assolatissimo. Per esperienza personale posso assicurare che la //Campanula pyramidalis//,  la //Campanula isophylla//, la //Campanula glomerata//, la //Campanula garganica//, la //Campanula carpatica//, la //Campanula fragilis// e la //Campanula persicaefolia//, per limitarsi a poche, prosperano ottimamente sul terrazzo sotto un sole cocente, purche generosamente annaffiate. La //Campanula// carpatica e la //Campanula garganica// possono essere coltivate bene anche in vasi di cm. 16-18 di diametro, mentre la //Campanula pyramidali//s vuole uno spazio maggiore (cm 30) e la //Campanula glomerata// una misura intermedia.   (( :ref:ippolitopizzetti01 ))  Come si coltiva. La //Campanula// non e generalmente un fiore difficile da coltivare. Essendo originaria delle zone temperate dell'emisfero boreale, dove cresce su terreni freschi o umidi di regioni in prevalenza montane, richiede, oltre a un'esposizione luminosa e non troppo soleggiata, le stesse condizioni ambientali: il terreno, fatta eccezione per qualche specie, deve contenere una certa percentuale di calcio. Questo non significa che le //Campanula// non si possano coltivare magnificamente anche su un terrazzo assolatissimo. Per esperienza personale posso assicurare che la //Campanula pyramidalis//,  la //Campanula isophylla//, la //Campanula glomerata//, la //Campanula garganica//, la //Campanula carpatica//, la //Campanula fragilis// e la //Campanula persicaefolia//, per limitarsi a poche, prosperano ottimamente sul terrazzo sotto un sole cocente, purche generosamente annaffiate. La //Campanula// carpatica e la //Campanula garganica// possono essere coltivate bene anche in vasi di cm. 16-18 di diametro, mentre la //Campanula pyramidali//s vuole uno spazio maggiore (cm 30) e la //Campanula glomerata// una misura intermedia.   (( :ref:ippolitopizzetti01 )) 
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campanula/isophylla.txt · Laatst gewijzigd: 2023/04/23 22:18 door Herman H. Berteler