

Also: X Van Houttei X van houttei
Also: Van-Houttei Carr.

Campanula x VanHouttei



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Infrageneric Taxa

Fam. des Campanulacées. Section 2: Calice sans appendice. Groupe 1: - Capsules á 3 loges, sessiles, dressées1)


Possibly a hybrid between Campanula latifolia and Campanula punctata; similar to Campanula punctata, but with more tufted habit and darker flowers 2).

Talvolta e chiamata Campanula punctata.3)
Le Campanula Van-Houttei Carr., parait étre un hybride entre les Campanula macrantha et Campanula nobilis4).


Van Houttei has very large rich blue pendent bells on spikes of about a foot to 18 inches high, and must be considered one of the best border perennials in existence, moderate in growth and extremely floriferous. It is without doubt a hybrid, but I do not know the parentage.5)

Altezza: cm. 30. Una bellissima pianta perenne di origine ibrida, resistente al gelo. Ha portamento compatto e produce un gran numero di fiori blu scuro, fino a cm. 5 di lunghezza; molto adatta a formare bordure.6)

Le Campanula Van-Houttei Carr., á tiges d'environ 30 ou 40 centimétres, et á trés grandes fleurs d'un coloris bleu-violet. Cuture et multiplication du nr.3.7)


Fioritura: VI. Un gran numero di fiori blu scuro, fino a cm. 5 di lunghezza8)

Flower measuring, between 40 - 50mm (1 1/2 - 2 in.)9)


Seed available, in small quantity. Species actually grown or used for breeding 10)

1) , 4) , 7)
3) , 6) , 8)