

Campanula siberica

Lin. (1753)


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Infrageneric Taxa

Fam. des Campanulacées. Section 1: Calice accompagné d'appendices foliacés. Groupe 2: - 3 stigmates, capsule á 3 loges1)

* Sect. Sibiricae (Fomin) Charadze in Zam. Sist. Geogr. Rast. (Tbilisi) 15:24(1949).

* Syn.: Ser. Sibiricae Fomin in Fl. Cauc. Crit. 4, 6:22(1906), pro parte incl. typ.

Type. Campanula sibirica L., Sp.Pl. 167(1753).2)

Campanula sibirica L. subsp. hohenackeri (Fisch. & Mey.) Damboldt, stat. nov. [Sect. Sibiricae (Fomin) Charadze];

* Syn.: Campanula hohenackeri Fisch. & Mey. in Suppl. Ind. Sem. Horti Petrop. 9:9(1844),
* Syn.: Campanula sibirica L. var. hohenackeri (Fisch. & Mey.) Fomin in Fl. Cauc. Crit. 4,6:25(1906), pro parte3)


Section II: Medium DC.f.(1830)4)
synonym Campanula Hohenackeri F. Fisch. & C.A. Mey.

Campanula siberica - Foto and drawing Herman Berteler


Fr.: Campanule de Sibérie


Coarsely pubescent biennial, stems several, erect, to 18 in.

Campanula siberica - Foto and drawing Herman Berteler
Campanula de Sibérie, Philippe Vilmorin, Les Fleurs de Pleine Terre, Paris 1909, 5th Edition. Photo: Herman Berteler.

Fi. in pannocchia con rami subtriflori. Pianta perenne, pelosa. Rd. fusiforme. Fusto ramoso sulla meta super., rr. dalla base od anche semplice (2-4dm.).5)
Bisannuelle. - Plante pubescente-scabre. Tige élevée de 30 á 40 centimétres, ramense dés la base, á ramifications pyrámidalis. 6)


Basal leaves obovate to spatulate, to about 4 in. long, minutely crenate. Stem leaves sessile, lanceolate-acuminate.

Mit lanzettlichen, gewellten blatter.
Fg. intere, le radicali ovali-oblunghe, lanceolate o spatolate, attenuato-picciolate, scomparse all'epoca della fioritura, le cauline gradatam. decrescenti.7)
Feuilles radicales obovales, obtuses, disposées en rosette; lescaulinaires sessiles, décroissantes, aigués; calice á divisions acuminées, beaucoup plus-courtes que in corolle, mais une fois plus longues que les appendices calicinaux.8)


Magg.-Giu. Fi. penduli, con peduncoli lunghetti, forniti di 2-4 bratteole. Calice a lobi lanceolati, lunghi 2/3 della corolla, cigliati; appendici ovali-lanceolate, lunghe come il tubo, cigliate. Corolla azzurro-violacea (rr. bianca), glabra o sparsam. cigliata sugli angoli all'esterno, barbata internam.9)

Corolle en eloche renversée, á gorge velue, d'un blanc et brillant.10)

Flowers more or less pendulous, in racemes or narrow panicles, calyx bristly-pubescent, with reflexed, ovate-acute appendages, corolla violet-blue, to 1 in. long, tubular-campanulate.

Bluhmen mehr oder weniger lang gestielt, zuweilen einzeln endstandig. Kelchbuchten mit Anhangen. Blutenstand traubig oder rispig 11)


Seed available, in small quantity. Species actually grown or used for breeding 12)
Kapsel nahe am Grunde aufspringend (Hangende Kapseln springen meist nahe am Grunde, aufrechte nahe den Kelchb. auf. Man kann daher im Allgemeinen die Art des Aufspringens aus der Stellung der verbluhten Bl. erschliessen, besonders wenn diese gestielt sind.) Sect. I Medium Tourn. (als Gatt.). B. Triloculares. Kapsel 3facherig (seltener bei ein- und derselben Art hier und da auch 5facherig) 13)

Campanula siberica - Foto and drawing Herman Berteler

* Campanula siberica L. synoniem: Campanula sibirica L. 1450-81. De: Botanischer Garten der Techn. - Universitát, Braunschweig, Allemagne. 3-381. Descr.: sem.14)


Seed available, in small quantity. Species actually grown or used for breeding 15)

Campanula siberica var. elatior - Foto and drawing Herman Berteler

Campanula siberica var. elegans - Foto and drawing Herman Berteler
Campanula siberica var. elegans - Foto and drawing Herman Berteler

Campanula siberica var. elegans - Foto and drawing Herman Berteler

* Syn.: Campanula hohenackeri Fisch. & Mey. in Suppl. Ind. Sem. Horti Petrop. 9:9(1844),
* Syn.: Campanula sibirica L. var. hohenackeri (Fisch. & Mey.) Fomin in Fl. Cauc. Crit. 4,6:25(1906), pro parte18)

Ne differe de l'espéce quepar son coloris plus pále, qui se rapproche de la teinte dite: gris de lin.19)

Cette espéce et ses variétés sont fort jolies et méritent d''etre plus répandues. Leur forme pyramidale élargie et la grande abondance de leurs fleurs, qui se succédent pendant deux mois au moins, en font des plantes trés ornementales. - Bien qu'elles ne soient pas difficiles sur la nature du terrain, une bonne terre saine et legére est celle qui leur convient le mieux. Culture et emplois de l'espéce no.1.25)


* Campanula siberica cv. ‘Alba’

* Campanula siberica cv. ‘Major’

* Campanula sibirica cv. 'Royal Wedding'

Campanula 'Royal Wedding' - Green Works International
Campanula 'Royal Wedding' - Green Works International
Campanula 'Royal Wedding' - Green Works International

New Campanula variety, beautiful perennial plant and cut flower with unique XXL flowers. Campanula sibirica 'Royal Wedding' is popular by growers because of the very large XXL flowers, in combination with an unique blue color, and the plant produces many stems. Is also winter hardy. With good stem production, is winter hardy. This Campanula variety has a strong stem with good length. Is very suitable as perennial and for cutflower use. The plants are characterized by • Very large “flower bell” • Unusual blue flower color • Strong flower stem • Produces many stems • Winter hardy • Perennial and also excellent for cuflower use. Ref.: Green Works International - The Netherlands.
PLANT DATA: Hardiness: USDA Zone to at least 4a. Foliage: neat clumps of mid to deep green foliage. Flower Colour; deep blue. Flowering time; late May until July. Flowering height; 75 to 85cm (30” to 34”). Fragrant ; No. Double/single flowering; Single flowers in panicles. Habit: strongly up right growth. Propagation: Tissue Culture. Protected; Yes US Plant Patent, EU PBR. Culture; Grow in Sun or partial shade. Soil; requires well drained soil that does not get waterlogged. USES; Excellent as a flowering container plant or for use in the garden, plants that remains moist but is well drained. Cut flower is still under test but shows potential. GROWER NOTES; Plants grow quickly from spring potted over wintered 9cm (dependant on time of year) over wintered plants will flower drained compost. Ref.: Walter Blom Plants BV. - The Netherlands.


Eurasia, Mitteleuropa bis Mittelasien, Italien.

Luoghi erbosi o sassosi, qua e la; 2-4, rr. 5. (Eur. mer. ed or. As. occ. e centr.)26)


Le Campanula sono entrate nei giardini fino dalla seconda meta del xvi secolo, secondo le testmonianze di Gerard e di Clarici. Tra il 1596 e il 1597 Gerard raccolse in Inghilterra esemplari di Campanula persicaefolia, Campanula pyramidalis e Campanula medium che nella flora spontanea inglese non esistono: il che significa, dando tempo al tempo, che probabilmente in Italia erano state trasportate, dallaliberta dei campi al chiuso degli orti, forse parecchi decenni prima. Con certezza sappiamo che nei giardini francesi furonointrodotte nel 1774 la Campanula carpatica, nel 1779 la Campanula alpina e la Campanula pulla, nel 1783 la Campanula sibirica, nel 1788 la Campanula versicolor e la Campanula mollis; in Inghilterra nel 1774 la Campanula carpatica, nel 1775 la Campanula thyrsoides e nel 1779 la Campanula pulla.27)

1) , 6) , 8) , 10) , 16) , 17) , 19) , 21) , 25)
2) , 3) , 18)
4) , 5) , 7) , 9) , 20) , 22) , 24) , 26)
11) , 13)
12) , 15) , 23)
ref:Ville de Montréal Jardin botanique