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Campanula Zoysii

Wulf. Fig.10.1)

Campanula zoysii - S.A.J.A. 1975 Tome VI nr. 96, p.398 - drawing M.M. 21 june 1972 P.N.

zoysii: Orig 019813-0010-81, Locn 8, rec: PLNT: 1ab: 1, ayr: 82,2)


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Wulf. = Wulfen (1788).

Section V: Favratia H. Feer (1890)3)
Synonym Favratia Feer (1890)


S. 50 hinter Z. 6 fuge ein: Die Gattung Campanula bedarf noch einer eingehenden monographischen Bearbeitung zur Feststellung naturlicher Gruppen. Von H. Feer wurden als selbstandige Gattungen aufgestellt in Engler's Bot. Jahrb. XII. S. 608-621 t. VI-VIII. Favratia (= Campanula Zoysii Wulf, auf S. 51 unter Sect.II. A b.); Vergl. auch H. Feer, Recherches litteraires et synonymiques sur quelques Campanules in Journal de botanique 1890; Campanularum novarum decas prima in Journal of botany 1890, Sept. 4)


Foliage pale green, with drooping pale blue corollas, cylindrical in shape.5)

Tufted, short-lived perennial. Lower stems slender, 1-6 flowered, to 4 in. high.

Perenni. Pianta cespugliosa, glabra o sparsam. pelosa, a fusti semplici o poco ramosi (5-10cm.). 6)

Campanula Wannarii. Steli alti circa cm. 30. Nonche moltissima altre entita quali Campanula muralis Vill., delle Alpi orientali, Campanula excisa, Schleich., delle Alpi centrali, Campanula thyrsoides L., delle Alpi centrali ed orientali, Campanula Zoysii Wulf., delle rupi calcaree delle Alpi orientali, Campanula Tommasiniana Port., delle Alpi estremo-orientali ed Istria, Campanula Morettiana, Rchb., delle Alpi centrali, Campanula rhomboidalis L., ecc., tutte a fioritura estiva (giugno-settembre). 7)


Rosette leaves petioled, nearly orbicular to ovate, to ½ in. long, entire, stem leaves few, smaller, oblanceolate.

Fg. grassette, largam. ovali o rotonde, quasi intere, decrescenti in alto finche le super. divengono lineari. 8)


AlpenPix - Campanula zoysii - Photographer: Graham Nicholls - Note: Although said by many to be difficult to grow, this unique campanula is easy as long as you can keep the slugs/snails at bay and propagate it every year. It does tend to die back if allowed to flower like in the photo.

Flower measuring,between 15 - 25mm (5/8 to 1 inch.)9)

Corolla pale lilac, urceolate, lobes incurved and marginally joined.
Blumen einzeln, endstandig oder in wenigblutigen Trauben mit absteigender Entfaltung.
Giu.-Ag. Fi. terminali e laterali, sopra peduncoli lunghetti, un po'pendenti. Calice a lobi lanceolati. Corolla azzurra, cilindrico-ventricosa, un po'ristretta sotto i lobi, che sono brevi e barbati nell'interno. 10)
Certainement l'espéce la plus extraordinaire du genre, formant de curieux coussinets se couvrant de petites fleurs étonnantes, renflées en forme de grelots, d'un coloris bleu clair. 11)


Species actually grown or used for breeding 12)
Kapsel nahe der Spitze, seltener etwas oberhalb der Mitte sich offnend, 3facherig. Kelchbuchten ohne Anhangen. Sect. II Rapunculus Boiss.13)


* Campanula Zoysii var. alba

* Campanula Zoysii sp. Caucasus

Species actually grown or used for breeding 14)


* Campanula zoysii cv. 'Lismore Ice'

AlpenPix - Campanula zoysii 'Lismore Ice' - Photographer: Graham Nicholls - Note: Photo by Diane Clement.
AlpenPix - Campanula zoysii 'Lismore Ice' - Photographer: Graham Nicholls - Note: Updated 2009-11-24. This plant appeared in a bunch of blue C. zoysii seedlings raised by Brian Burrow many years ago and named for his nursery (Lismore Alpines) at that time. It is more difficult in cultivation than the blue form: slow to increase and dies back suddenly with no warning. Sadly it is on the verge of disappearing. It is believed that there are no more than two small plants in existence now.


  • C. To increase the ease of culture of now hard-to-grow valuable species, and adapt them to our gardens: as with Campanula raineri, Campanula zoysii, Campanula morettiena, Campanula piperi, etc. 15)

* Campanula 'Cantata' - Note of Graham Nicholls; A cross made by Brian Burrow of Campanula pulla var. alba and Campanula zoysii var. alba = Although the resultant plant didn't come white it does have beautiful flowers with a zoysi-like tube and the vigorousness of pulla.

* Campanula zoysii 'Lismore Ice' - This plant appeared in a bunch of blue Campanula zoysii seedlings raised by Brian Burrow many years ago and named for his nursery (Lismore Alpines) at that time. It is more difficult in cultivation than the blue form: slow to increase and dies back suddenly with no warning. Sadly it is on the verge of disappearing. It is believed that there are no more than two small plants in existence now.


The smallest of all the tufted Alpine Campanulas, and rather difficult to establish. Sharp gritty granitic soil between rocks in the sun suits it well, but snails are always on the look-out for such a daintly morsel, and a good look-out must be kept for them.(Fig.45).16)

Fig.45 - Campanula Zoysii (The Garden). The genus Campanula - By Maurice Rrichard, F.R.H.S. Read April 23, 1902.

Sa culture en plaine et dans les rocailles est presque impossible; elle ne trouvera sa place qu'en couche ou serre alpine, dans un mélange de terre franche + débris rocheux + sable, á la mi-ombre.


Alps, Austria and Italy

Europe australe.17)
Fessure delle rupi calcari: Alpi Giulie e Friul. (Wishberg, M. Canin, V. Rovolana pr. Plezzo, M. Nero, Sedra ecc.), bellun. sui M. di Ampezzo e vicent. sull'altipiano di Tonezza e sul M. Campomolon; 7. (Alpi or.)18)


Speziell in den beiden letzten heissen und trockenen Sommers viele Enttauschungen erfaren 19).

1) , 11) , 17)
3) , 6) , 8) , 10) , 18)
4) , 13)
5) , 16)
12) , 14) , 15)
campanula/zoysii.1680345032.txt.gz · Laatst gewijzigd: 2023/04/01 12:30 door Herman H. Berteler