

Campanula Bocconi


Also: Campanula Boccoui Vill.1)
Campanula Bocconi - V. Campanule naine.2)


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Infrageneric Taxa

Fam. des Campanulacées. Section 2: Calice sans appendice. Groupe 1: - Capsules á 3 loges, sessiles, dressées3)


* Syn.: Campanula caespitosa Scop.; Campanula pusilla Haenck.4).


Fr. - Campanule naine5).


The plants from Termignon (French Alps 1400m) deviated in many characters from typical European Campanula rotundifolia L. but resembled Campanula scheuchzeri Vill.

In many respects. Typical pressed specimens have been shown to Professor H. Merxmuller, Munich, who has kindly given me his opinion of the taxonomical position of the plants. According to Merxmuller the plants are not identical with either Campanula rotundifolia or Campanula scheuchzeri, but might be interpreted as belonging to a hybrid between these species.

In some characters the plants approach Campanula bocconei Vill. But it is not possible to refer the plants to this taxon. They have among other things much too large flowers6).

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